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LCIA Method Data set: Ecotoxicity, freshwater_inorganics (en) en
Key Data Set Information
Name Ecotoxicity, freshwater_inorganics
Belongs to: Name of LCIA methodology/ies
  • Environmental Footprint
Impact category/ies
  • Aquatic eco-toxicity
Impact indicator Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems (CTUe)
General comment USEtox consensus multimedia model. It spans two spatial scales: continental scale consisting of six compartment (urban air, rural air, agricultural soil natural soil, freshwater, costal marine water), and the global scale with the same structure but without the urban air. Specific groups of chemicals requires further work
External documentation / files source
Quantitative reference
Reference quantity
Time representativeness
Reference year 2017
Duration of modelled impact time independent
Geographical representativeness
Intervention location GLO
Impact location GLO
Geographical representativeness description Applicable to world
Impact model
LCIA characterisation model(s) name(s) USEtox™
LCIA characterisation model description and included sub-models USEtox is the UNEP/SETAC scientific consensus model for characterizing human toxicological and ecotoxicological impacts of chemical emissions in life cycle assessment. It is based on existing LCIA toxicity characterization models. It includes all vital model elements of toxicological effects assessment.
Considered environmental or other mechanisms along the impact chain The USEtox model is built upon a multimedia model, integrating the entire cause-effect chain. It includes separate model components for calculating fate factors (FF), exposure factors (XF), and effect factors (EF). These components operate independently but their outputs are merged together to provide the characterization factors, CF, for human toxicity and freshwater ecotoxicity impacts, respectively.
LCIA method, normalisation, weighting
Type of data set Mid-point indicator
LCIA method principle(s)
  • other
Deviation from LCIA method principle(s) to derive the effect factor, the EFeco=0.2/HC20 was preferred to HC50, and applied because it guarantees a greater level of protection to ecosystem structure and functionalities. For the 27 cationic metals the traditional USEtox approach was applied (EFeco=0.5/HC50)
Normalisation included? No
Weighting included? No
Number of basic inventory items covered 1
Commissioner and goal
Commissioner of data set
Project LCIA method original development via a project under the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative . Documentation as ILCD formatted data set, mapping to the ILCD elementary flows (flowlist expanded to cover additional substances in 2018), and additional quality checks by the EC JRC and with contractual support projects, partly financed under several Administrative Arrangements on the European Platform on LCA - EPLCA' between JRC and DG ENV
Intended applications Provide applicable recommended factors for about 4300 chemicals
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2018-09-20T15:25:21.805+01:00
Data entry by
Official recommendation
Recommendation level of LCIA method data set Level III
Publication and ownership
UUID dacd48b5-4da5-49aa-aff4-cd5f5495c037
Date of last revision 2022-06-17T00:00:00
Data set version 01.00.000
Workflow and publication status Data set finalised; entirely published
Owner of data set
Copyright Yes
Access and use restrictions The data set can be used free of charge by anybody to perform LCA studies, to distribute it to third parties, to convert it to other formats, to develop own data sets etc. as long as the copyright and license conditions for the ELCD data sets and the ILCD format are met that can be accessed via and are part of the ELCD database distribution package. Please note e.g. that reference must be given to the 'Owner of data set' (who may have additional copyright and license requirements on the particular data set that are to be met) and to the 'ELCD database' plus version number, when using the data set or parts thereof. Please note also that any modifications/omissions of the data set results in invalidity of any existing 'Official recommendation of data set by governmental body', that the impression must be avoided that this would still be an original ELCD data set, and that the content of further fields may have to be adjusted. For details see the aforementioned copyright and license conditions as well as those the 'Owner of data set' may have put into force.
Flow Classification Location Exchange direction Mean value Minimum value Maximum value Uncertainty distribution type Relative StdDev in % Data derivation type / status Deviating recommendation Reference to data source(s)
not available Output 30.160854720349867 % Calculated
not available Output 42.857 % Calculated
not available Output 0.004447 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 404.35 % Calculated
not available Output 23.869 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30.200339436984088 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 1.047 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24909 % Calculated
not available Output 513.1042026334452 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 134.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6388.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 7714.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 872.94 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
not available Output 0.51884 % Calculated
not available Output 281.57 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9064 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 1626.0688063366833 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 994.34 % Calculated
not available Output 17.66 % Calculated
not available Output 21.168 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2028 % Calculated
not available Output 38178.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6207 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9383 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.294 % Calculated
not available Output 301.44 % Calculated
not available Output 6110.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 266.36 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 15.529 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16356 % Calculated
not available Output 0.86698 % Calculated
not available Output 202.86 % Calculated
not available Output 20.458 % Calculated
not available Output 585.31 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 279.99 % Calculated
not available Output 34.234 % Calculated
not available Output 10.544 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79802 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8224 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 0.044974 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3411 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 49.676 % Calculated
not available Output 10.723 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 18073.409791340713 % Calculated
not available Output 0.8927 % Calculated
not available Output 0.048901 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6684E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 654.6449674110462 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49693 % Calculated
not available Output 78.728 % Calculated
not available Output 83.083 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34846 % Calculated
not available Output 43.699 % Calculated
not available Output 21084.0 % Calculated
not available Output 56.238 % Calculated
not available Output 13.61 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7987E-7 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 3697.5624829130575 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 3.8366 % Calculated
not available Output 28.43 % Calculated
not available Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
not available Output 188.71 % Calculated
not available Output 0.090814 % Calculated
not available Output 1781.7 % Calculated
not available Output 1042.5 % Calculated
not available Output 2.582 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.2238E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3877 % Calculated
not available Output 103.09 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 12274.013470217462 % Calculated
not available Output 38178.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6631.5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.40502 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 6317.818728103488 % Calculated
not available Output 7.3361 % Calculated
not available Output 4812.2 % Calculated
not available Output 4.0727E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28411 % Calculated
not available Output 143.52 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6415 % Calculated
not available Output 165.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.45087 % Calculated
not available Output 409.57 % Calculated
not available Output 655.42 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49428490902330185 % Calculated
not available Output 189.49 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1171034892293964E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 50.66696177079097 % Calculated
not available Output 5.5109 % Calculated
not available Output 1.031 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 1283.9540639799482 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30.09 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5373 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 427.17 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 9684.963772914325 % Calculated
not available Output 4344.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8712 % Calculated
not available Output 618.4782145787105 % Calculated
not available Output 319.17 % Calculated
not available Output 490.32 % Calculated
not available Output 151.38 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0879E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.458 % Calculated
not available Output 4814.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024822 % Calculated
not available Output 2777.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0072949 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34460135194267316 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2721E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 52.021 % Calculated
not available Output 544.85 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0022 % Calculated
not available Output 38.138 % Calculated
not available Output 4.449 % Calculated
not available Output 0.88844 % Calculated
not available Output 794.37 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 4.4894932526631605E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 26.852 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6751 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4446 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.58591 % Calculated
not available Output 17.277 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 10.724 % Calculated
not available Output 308.63 % Calculated
not available Output 0.089023 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 342796.23307223 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.349 % Calculated
not available Output 0.37419 % Calculated
not available Output 0.29774 % Calculated
not available Output 49.558 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 36.142 % Calculated
not available Output 191.9 % Calculated
not available Output 3.9193E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 39043.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.023709 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1717 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13.523 % Calculated
not available Output 1232.6 % Calculated
not available Output 21.038 % Calculated
not available Output 1683.3 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2463E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 85.308 % Calculated
not available Output 0.025452 % Calculated
not available Output 7.7755 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16623 % Calculated
not available Output 307.09 % Calculated
not available Output 12.429 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 30.109 % Calculated
not available Output 36.121 % Calculated
not available Output 7.508 % Calculated
not available Output 10.355 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified FR Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 1053.2 % Calculated
not available Output 33.77 % Calculated
not available Output 2210.717290783527 % Calculated
not available Output 16.762 % Calculated
not available Output 19.252 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2108 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified FI Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 6.903E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.91833 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified ES Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8975 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3667 % Calculated
not available Output 129.55 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified EE Output 134.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 3921.7 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1583 % Calculated
not available Output 628.4971011469244 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 2506.9500453314804 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 35.629 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2406E-22 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0242 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified DK Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0904 % Calculated
not available Output 169.94 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4613 % Calculated
not available Output 46.337 % Calculated
not available Output 26.824 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.86698 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 23.585 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified DE Output 134.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 2.197321478927571E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 42.857 % Calculated
not available Output 42.131 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified CZ Output 134.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 1848.895316685864 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 69.749 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 0.4942849090233019 % Calculated
not available Output 6631.4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified CS Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified CH Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.44876 % Calculated
not available Output 31.37 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 3932.23811982149 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0028565 % Calculated
not available Output 0.39893 % Calculated
not available Output 874.17 % Calculated
not available Output 243.78 % Calculated
not available Output 3.9644E-34 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24894 % Calculated
not available Output 43.098 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified BY Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8954 % Calculated
not available Output 1713.1725270452 % Calculated
not available Output 161.53 % Calculated
not available Output 297.09 % Calculated
not available Output 71218.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2644E-9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified BG Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1948 % Calculated
not available Output 32.86 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified BA Output 134.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 104.57 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 105.28 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3834 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified BE Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 32739.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2754 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 1.1354 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 1725.8966531404226 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2564 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6751 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 1.4817 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified AT Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5518 % Calculated
not available Output 2.654E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified AL Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2848 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9939E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 68.849 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024266 % Calculated
not available Output 125.66 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7244 % Calculated
not available Output 831.51 % Calculated
not available Output 273.32 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 2417.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1362E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 16.106 % Calculated
not available Output 1284.7101821694387 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.24411 % Calculated
not available Output 3263.3274020720564 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.724 % Calculated
not available Output 0.45162 % Calculated
not available Output 22.373 % Calculated
not available Output 1786.510738350864 % Calculated
not available Output 109.71 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 333.4186387763461 % Calculated
not available Output 898.87 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 17.006960371160908 % Calculated
not available Output 32739.0 % Calculated
not available Output 213.02 % Calculated
not available Output 0.016373 % Calculated
not available Output 26029.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.18791 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified NL Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified NO Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 177087.28968187515 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5273E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7796E-14 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 1766.1 % Calculated
not available Output 54.556 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0056799 % Calculated
not available Output 898.87 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6365E-23 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified MK Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9044E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1381 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.67994 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 953.24 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified MD Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 8.253 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16623 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83965 % Calculated
not available Output 22.339 % Calculated
not available Output 93.081 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified LU Output 134.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified LT Output 134.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified LV Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.040662 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0091653 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 6803.1 % Calculated
not available Output 57.445 % Calculated
not available Output 85.674 % Calculated
not available Output 10.27 % Calculated
not available Output 163.05 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.80887 % Calculated
not available Output 13.494 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 13.494 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.20541 % Calculated
not available Output 2446.2 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 301.44 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 207.79 % Calculated
not available Output 51.807 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 513.1042026334452 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.3051181223867372E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 3299.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 60.648 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3651 % Calculated
not available Output 43.699 % Calculated
not available Output 24.067 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 121.35 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 181.44 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.869 % Calculated
not available Output 35.564 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 63.312 % Calculated
not available Output 4248.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified IT Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 68.25546277139645 % Calculated
not available Output 1346.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.33004 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified IE Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 16.929 % Calculated
not available Output 0.23957 % Calculated
not available Output 8.0375E-9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified HU Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7187 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.400122046360835E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 0.39538 % Calculated
not available Output 103.3 % Calculated
not available Output 308.91 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 2.4803 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified HR Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 9.2647 % Calculated
not available Output 135050.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0093757 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0061124 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7532 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 112.21 % Calculated
not available Output 4144.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3757 % Calculated
not available Output 179.34 % Calculated
not available Output 23.411 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8335 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76369 % Calculated
not available Output 0.05281 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified GR Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7686 % Calculated
not available Output 2172.9 % Calculated
not available Output 50.502 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2973 % Calculated
not available Output 289.41 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.403 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified GB Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 261.48 % Calculated
not available Output 3.561E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 18.446 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6188 % Calculated
not available Output 68.342 % Calculated
not available Output 765.52 % Calculated
not available Output 204.91 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2711E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1723.4136886810222 % Calculated
not available Output 33.984 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5674 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8537E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 1032.8 % Calculated
not available Output 20420.0 % Calculated
not available Output 215.76 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9868 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.068067 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9374 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3853 % Calculated
not available Output 797.6442286215132 % Calculated
not available Output 9811.1 % Calculated
not available Output 11.148 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 56.324 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31594 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.022828 % Calculated
not available Output 18.707 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9124E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.8759 % Calculated
not available Output 192.32 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4.6927 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7174E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 36.436 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2296E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7041 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 56.636 % Calculated
not available Output 268.64 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 1148.396476615286 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15063 % Calculated
not available Output 8.9111 % Calculated
not available Output 219.47 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7241 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8611 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 0.05929 % Calculated
not available Output 1283.9540639799482 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5164E-19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 52530.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.516E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 157.5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 1659.5122139814162 % Calculated
not available Output 8.947E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 1144.7 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 33987.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1029.4 % Calculated
not available Output 215.74 % Calculated
not available Output 613.4 % Calculated
not available Output 3.9008E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4613 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0181 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0314 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.98361 % Calculated
not available Output 953.24 % Calculated
not available Output 0.74635 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4112 % Calculated
not available Output 1718.6142265293195 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 23647.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.34838 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1832.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27593 % Calculated
not available Output 0.20541 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26.188 % Calculated
not available Output 0.012186 % Calculated
not available Output 560.64 % Calculated
not available Output 9.4761E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 5390.9 % Calculated
not available Output 148.53 % Calculated
not available Output 90.665 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63114 % Calculated
not available Output 19.041 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7243 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 11481.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.018854 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6684 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3696 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 14229.0 % Calculated
not available Output 38420.0 % Calculated
not available Output 70.04 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0084795 % Calculated
not available Output 8.1096 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 4.4894932526631605E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 129.57 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 272.02 % Calculated
not available Output 75.537 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3828 % Calculated
not available Output 19193.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1512 % Calculated
not available Output 46.749 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3139 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 4.4344 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0022 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2162E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.066022 % Calculated
not available Output 64180.0 % Calculated
not available Output 297.33 % Calculated
not available Output 103.54 % Calculated
not available Output 115.0 % Calculated
not available Output 377.75 % Calculated
not available Output 155.93 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 57.098 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6099 % Calculated
not available Output 126.7 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2322 % Calculated
not available Output 59.49211301185711 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
not available Output 0.42614 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 43.33602618374838 % Calculated
not available Output 1392.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1313E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.17126 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 1708.2785762311466 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8911E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.075455 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.22 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5146 % Calculated
not available Output 4153.7 % Calculated
not available Output 63.471 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 2464.904813447571 % Calculated
not available Output 4.0693E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 132.86 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 51.192 % Calculated
not available Output 8.374 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1691.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 1.047 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.723 % Calculated
not available Output 4344.4 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1437 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 188.71 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6096 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 797.6442286215132 % Calculated
not available Output 20.687 % Calculated
not available Output 915.4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 8.4584 % Calculated
not available Output 141.95 % Calculated
not available Output 2.594 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9624 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 30.200339436984088 % Calculated
not available Output 13.519 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 24.533951453131785 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1711 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 2934.9 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2569 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1009 % Calculated
not available Output 6.0417 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0078936631425054E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 49.798 % Calculated
not available Output 797.6442286215132 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9083 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12824 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8410675842586266E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 1318.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.032129 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.3481 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
not available Output 185.12 % Calculated
not available Output 9088.908871018328 % Calculated
not available Output 22329.44913725331 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6006 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 58.72 % Calculated
not available Output 189.49 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 0.91982 % Calculated
not available Output 0.10584 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7908 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26.185 % Calculated
not available Output 19.041 % Calculated
not available Output 1283.9540639799482 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27607 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 30.529 % Calculated
not available Output 64.784 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.99071 % Calculated
not available Output 90.79 % Calculated
not available Output 9.9429 % Calculated
not available Output 7829.439777311817 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7678.7 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 2014.5077184798358 % Calculated
not available Output 1.886 % Calculated
not available Output 5235.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6428E-14 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 0.0040152 % Calculated
not available Output 40.875 % Calculated
not available Output 204.5593640711217 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0593 % Calculated
not available Output 16.136 % Calculated
not available Output 7.869 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 66.646 % Calculated
not available Output 1493.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1074.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024823 % Calculated
not available Output 250.1 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1776 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24894 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 203.20799830474309 % Calculated
not available Output 617.3705322217661 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4563E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 3697.5624829130575 % Calculated
not available Output 930.33 % Calculated
not available Output 85.308 % Calculated
not available Output 48.463 % Calculated
not available Output 342796.23307223007 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2386 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 51.718 % Calculated
not available Output 2408.2 % Calculated
not available Output 22.288 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.77148 % Calculated
not available Output 66.479 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1895.8 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76468 % Calculated
not available Output 145.05 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3156 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7672 % Calculated
not available Output 0.074546 % Calculated
not available Output 0.91833 % Calculated
not available Output 993.04 % Calculated
not available Output 31.198 % Calculated
not available Output 6.401E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.011063 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 30.200339436984088 % Calculated
not available Output 33740.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6844.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 16.548 % Calculated
not available Output 19709.0 % Calculated
not available Output 77.524 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2019 % Calculated
not available Output 3458.2 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 1725.8966531404233 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79648 % Calculated
not available Output 5.438 % Calculated
not available Output 2.066 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27607 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4776 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 23.538 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 74.007 % Calculated
not available Output 15.576 % Calculated
not available Output 19.99909026263621 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 16.515 % Calculated
not available Output 23.47 % Calculated
not available Output 4351.936148782046 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79649 % Calculated
not available Output 250.72 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92825 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1841E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3314 % Calculated
not available Output 180.55 % Calculated
not available Output 13.376 % Calculated
not available Output 19.89 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0596 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 182610.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 135.8 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0512 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 462.73 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1922E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4735E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2036 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12028 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0675 % Calculated
not available Output 104790.0 % Calculated
not available Output 981.41 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12166 % Calculated
not available Output 67.951 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 36362.0 % Calculated
not available Output 160.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1723.4136886810222 % Calculated
not available Output 169.94 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5509 % Calculated
not available Output 0.20753 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3408 % Calculated
not available Output 32.084 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2741 % Calculated
not available Output 80894.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5386 % Calculated
not available Output 0.03571 % Calculated
not available Output 16.106 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9913E-29 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 355.58 % Calculated
not available Output 261.48 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 4775.290751488173 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4671 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9053E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8945 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 156.99 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3591 % Calculated
not available Output 33061.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8645 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12824 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 203.88368118793238 % Calculated
not available Output 43.33602618374838 % Calculated
not available Output 3731.0 % Calculated
not available Output 36.793 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6036 % Calculated
not available Output 7.9444 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1808 % Calculated
not available Output 15.929 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 0.91676 % Calculated
not available Output 0.25893 % Calculated
not available Output 267.45 % Calculated
not available Output 13.494 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.719 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 573.37 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63754 % Calculated
not available Output 26256.0 % Calculated
not available Output 19.762 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6619.1 % Calculated
not available Output 314.94 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7603.8 % Calculated
not available Output 8.8105E-8 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16623 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3066 % Calculated
not available Output 6.7278 % Calculated
not available Output 33.189 % Calculated
not available Output 22.006 % Calculated
not available Output 259.85 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6982 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7186 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2239 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 38178.0 % Calculated
not available Output 62.393 % Calculated
not available Output 664.99 % Calculated
not available Output 971.47 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6561 % Calculated
not available Output 52.838 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 67.142 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
not available Output 103.3 % Calculated
not available Output 54.556 % Calculated
not available Output 12.699 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2538.9 % Calculated
not available Output 1290.7 % Calculated
not available Output 56.22 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059265 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 1.3066 % Calculated
not available Output 11.166 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8511E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 308.35 % Calculated
not available Output 20.602 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4163 % Calculated
not available Output 0.42951 % Calculated
not available Output 0.35462 % Calculated
not available Output 13.739 % Calculated
not available Output 338.79 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.25959 % Calculated
not available Output 110.99 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19023 % Calculated
not available Output 58.403 % Calculated
not available Output 878.22 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2254.6 % Calculated
not available Output 8458.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6711.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6751 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.6415 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0197 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1402E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2462E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 116.66 % Calculated
not available Output 84.091 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024252 % Calculated
not available Output 2290400.0 % Calculated
not available Output 14.582 % Calculated
not available Output 37.915 % Calculated
not available Output 0.10584 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1897 % Calculated
not available Output 6166.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5386 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1388 % Calculated
not available Output 19.816 % Calculated
not available Output 0.064154 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0186 % Calculated
not available Output 109.58 % Calculated
not available Output 0.077556 % Calculated
not available Output 215.76 % Calculated
not available Output 102500.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4812.2 % Calculated
not available Output 23.359 % Calculated
not available Output 3458.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 33.965 % Calculated
not available Output 65.387 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2655 % Calculated
not available Output 84.054 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5315 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 869.06 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3428 % Calculated
not available Output 203.88368118793238 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3806E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8027E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 13.376 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1229 % Calculated
not available Output 5.9648 % Calculated
not available Output 7420.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9486 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0062199 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0274 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.064154 % Calculated
not available Output 91.679 % Calculated
not available Output 172.07 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0977 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 1148.396476615286 % Calculated
not available Output 0.65015 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79648 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6081E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8833 % Calculated
not available Output 50.597 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.58561 % Calculated
not available Output 9667.448966812985 % Calculated
not available Output 0.82204 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7286 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26.246 % Calculated
not available Output 17.365 % Calculated
not available Output 27.322 % Calculated
not available Output 19.816 % Calculated
not available Output 560.64 % Calculated
not available Output 901.16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.446 % Calculated
not available Output 909.1832123770035 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1711 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7961E-27 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 2074.525969461307 % Calculated
not available Output 976.26 % Calculated
not available Output 132.94 % Calculated
not available Output 34.271 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5876 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5819 % Calculated
not available Output 33574.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9232 % Calculated
not available Output 4.4941 % Calculated
not available Output 0.13994 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 4470.2502197712665 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9912 % Calculated
not available Output 59.632245437847004 % Calculated
not available Output 446910.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.7177E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.9512 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2006.8 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5197 % Calculated
not available Output 602.72 % Calculated
not available Output 235.45 % Calculated
not available Output 766.34 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0756 % Calculated
not available Output 168.83 % Calculated
not available Output 6.4849 % Calculated
not available Output 44731.0 % Calculated
not available Output 227.03 % Calculated
not available Output 64156.89851832929 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4572 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2392 % Calculated
not available Output 8.9111 % Calculated
not available Output 5.647 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7955E-18 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 2493.2 % Calculated
not available Output 166.56 % Calculated
not available Output 0.37419 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 22.397 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059296 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6028 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9822 % Calculated
not available Output 24468.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.1363E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 25.76 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 219.76 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 1.9884 % Calculated
not available Output 441.22 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4457 % Calculated
not available Output 17580.0 % Calculated
not available Output 77.524 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8492E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.54393 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2395 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2879 % Calculated
not available Output 261.84 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83828 % Calculated
not available Output 22.058 % Calculated
not available Output 19.045 % Calculated
not available Output 0.040445 % Calculated
not available Output 15.576 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2659E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 0.25425 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.274 % Calculated
not available Output 0.00186 % Calculated
not available Output 0.016336 % Calculated
not available Output 84.042 % Calculated
not available Output 13934.093560547464 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6081E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.019763 % Calculated
not available Output 10.723 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4602 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 6388.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016211 % Calculated
not available Output 9.9613 % Calculated
not available Output 202.2 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4729 % Calculated
not available Output 174.58 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 39530.0 % Calculated
not available Output 34.168 % Calculated
not available Output 8599.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 28.34 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5903E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 53.254 % Calculated
not available Output 160.14 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9822 % Calculated
not available Output 8.011E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5722E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 756.43 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4221 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3489 % Calculated
not available Output 87.921 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 630.046518675329 % Calculated
not available Output 1.151E-22 % Calculated
not available Output 30.109 % Calculated
not available Output 33.984 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 63950.19866656793 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 25.23 % Calculated
not available Output 7.5077 % Calculated
not available Output 191.89 % Calculated
not available Output 7.5356 % Calculated
not available Output 26.552 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8063 % Calculated
not available Output 33.189 % Calculated
not available Output 2.672E-19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19772 % Calculated
not available Output 0.052891 % Calculated
not available Output 75132.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4942 % Calculated
not available Output 42.857 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 0.9841866365016807 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 11236.40165143179 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.7968E-7 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1808 % Calculated
not available Output 182.6 % Calculated
not available Output 49448.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6048E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 113.95 % Calculated
not available Output 19.247 % Calculated
not available Output 70.449 % Calculated
not available Output 795.06 % Calculated
not available Output 280.1 % Calculated
not available Output 278.38 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3439E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76468 % Calculated
not available Output 797.6442286215132 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 1766.1 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2939E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0018362 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.77377 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 385.01 % Calculated
not available Output 1166.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.006 % Calculated
not available Output 75.236 % Calculated
not available Output 21.933 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 36.109 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8742 % Calculated
not available Output 28.053 % Calculated
not available Output 1689.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.10228 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5262E-26 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7697.7 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0675 % Calculated
not available Output 3971.2 % Calculated
not available Output 38.738 % Calculated
not available Output 2283.0 % Calculated
not available Output 191.83 % Calculated
not available Output 141.76 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31426 % Calculated
not available Output 0.010136 % Calculated
not available Output 0.004447 % Calculated
not available Output 20.411 % Calculated
not available Output 23429.21784559528 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.445 % Calculated
not available Output 0.064541 % Calculated
not available Output 0.068061 % Calculated
not available Output 12.62 % Calculated
not available Output 50.151 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 29.512 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 20.361 % Calculated
not available Output 57.758 % Calculated
not available Output 1.251 % Calculated
not available Output 2905.457742306401 % Calculated
not available Output 33061.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 31.045 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 50.481 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1021.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.14179 % Calculated
not available Output 474.76 % Calculated
not available Output 64063.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49004 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.6593 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13653.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83965 % Calculated
not available Output 1340.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2199 % Calculated
not available Output 2498.734156531005 % Calculated
not available Output 15942.37163413599 % Calculated
not available Output 70.443 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5044E-13 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified UA Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 139.87 % Calculated
not available Output 798.42 % Calculated
not available Output 9.2799 % Calculated
not available Output 0.08045 % Calculated
not available Output 268.85 % Calculated
not available Output 2228.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.2647 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0593 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 2.4758 % Calculated
not available Output 113.95 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 4.452235344870308E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 9.0948E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 51.411 % Calculated
not available Output 0.64282 % Calculated
not available Output 52.224 % Calculated
not available Output 5799.3 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8151 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016109 % Calculated
not available Output 0.01661 % Calculated
not available Output 174.7 % Calculated
not available Output 179.34 % Calculated
not available Output 1607.9 % Calculated
not available Output 2713.7 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 1.9884 % Calculated
not available Output 28.88491274661666 % Calculated
not available Output 193.59 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1378 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified SI Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1726 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified SK Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.22421 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7304 % Calculated
not available Output 0.74663 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5366E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified SE Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4111 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0562 % Calculated
not available Output 94.075 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1649 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified RO Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 2.17 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified RU Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8937 % Calculated
not available Output 17.859 % Calculated
not available Output 0.56477 % Calculated
not available Output 51.58 % Calculated
not available Output 886.5 % Calculated
not available Output 165.56 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8646 % Calculated
not available Output 7.9945E-7 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.3439346651696575 % Calculated
not available Output 81.212 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5 % Calculated
not available Output 17.070593886337686 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 2905.457742306401 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified PT Output 134.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 33175.97305971487 % Calculated
not available Output 0.025925 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified PL Output 134.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 952.2972968312423 % Calculated
not available Output 12.192 % Calculated
not available Output 40.202 % Calculated
not available Output 8.9127 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 37.365 % Calculated
not available Output 22287.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26256.0 % Calculated
not available Output 886.5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 10741.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 16.664 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0467 % Calculated
not available Output 1439.6 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 6164.338557818712 % Calculated
not available Output 61.951 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6492E-23 % Calculated
not available Output 6.4457 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4394 % Calculated
not available Output 387.48 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92227 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 27.266 % Calculated
not available Output 177.47 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2581E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2542 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 89339.0 % Calculated
not available Output 35.28 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6238 % Calculated
not available Output 64.49 % Calculated
not available Output 7.2891 % Calculated
not available Output 250.02 % Calculated
not available Output 127.23 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6059 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4681 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 40.168 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4167 % Calculated
not available Output 1683.3 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 478.2692278778601 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0324 % Calculated
not available Output 6.9167 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 2905.457742306401 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8646 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2876 % Calculated
not available Output 2.276 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
not available Output 19.557 % Calculated
not available Output 7505.8 % Calculated
not available Output 90.723 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0118 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0402 % Calculated
not available Output 2.956 % Calculated
not available Output 30.160854720349867 % Calculated
not available Output 237902.71221285977 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4059 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2614E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31082 % Calculated
not available Output 89.153 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0376 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 1991.3896051637275 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6751 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 265.77 % Calculated
not available Output 833.11 % Calculated
not available Output 4141.5 % Calculated
not available Output 203.41 % Calculated
not available Output 35.28 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 33.102 % Calculated
not available Output 1.886357418817773E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024261 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 6.5443 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0079384 % Calculated
not available Output 0.61437 % Calculated
not available Output 33.984 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7420.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.17146 % Calculated
not available Output 797.6442286215132 % Calculated
not available Output 48.701 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3817.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11582 % Calculated
not available Output 1848.895316685864 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1815 % Calculated
not available Output 39023.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.020151 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13.21 % Calculated
not available Output 1895.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1029.4 % Calculated
not available Output 27.266 % Calculated
not available Output 5271.2 % Calculated
not available Output 604.13 % Calculated
not available Output 126.75 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27593 % Calculated
not available Output 0.016385 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 4292.056597623994 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16006 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2392 % Calculated
not available Output 921.64 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
not available Output 0.36466 % Calculated
not available Output 37.924 % Calculated
not available Output 25815.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6486.2 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4885 % Calculated
not available Output 1.251 % Calculated
not available Output 20.687 % Calculated
not available Output 0.14779 % Calculated
not available Output 19.565 % Calculated
not available Output 0.94161 % Calculated
not available Output 39.891 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8104E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.022837 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3566 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4813 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6028 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15768 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4238 % Calculated
not available Output 9.2515 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8071 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0429 % Calculated
not available Output 44.69 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 6.400122046360835E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 0.32074 % Calculated
not available Output 33.684 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 0.066737 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 301.44 % Calculated
not available Output 2.664E-4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 873.74 % Calculated
not available Output 135050.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 57748.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1891 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4584 % Calculated
not available Output 38.551 % Calculated
not available Output 64.302 % Calculated
not available Output 5.6359 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 13.089 % Calculated
not available Output 1336.6 % Calculated
not available Output 7813.868563795952 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19557 % Calculated
not available Output 0.55189 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.90049 % Calculated
not available Output 10.98 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 31302.0 % Calculated
not available Output 269.69 % Calculated
not available Output 143.52 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 21.699 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7149E-5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 478.2692278778601 % Calculated
not available Output 0.58591 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.4 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6561 % Calculated
not available Output 33.189 % Calculated
not available Output 513.1042026334452 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.017109 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0665 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30424 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10647.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.31875727413759E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0054754 % Calculated
not available Output 104790.0 % Calculated
not available Output 64022.5436146844 % Calculated
not available Output 7.3498 % Calculated
not available Output 927.46 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3076E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 0.022837 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3364 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0026067 % Calculated
not available Output 46.565 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5582E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6009E-28 % Calculated
not available Output 16.799 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6711 % Calculated
not available Output 0.17126 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 4.332001250025555E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30424 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 11918.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 200.67 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2054 % Calculated
not available Output 4814.0 % Calculated
not available Output 104.77 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13.235 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5390.9 % Calculated
not available Output 29.607 % Calculated
not available Output 28.944 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5597E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 12.751 % Calculated
not available Output 281.66 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 0.0050755 % Calculated
not available Output 119.69 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30.195 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3858E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6629 % Calculated
not available Output 49.765 % Calculated
not available Output 1179.8 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5984 % Calculated
not available Output 58.403 % Calculated
not available Output 23429.21784559528 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 15.307 % Calculated
not available Output 38178.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0099051 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1801 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4971 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.20893 % Calculated
not available Output 7.0163E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 375.32 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.34460135194267316 % Calculated
not available Output 7.47862628024277E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.38573 % Calculated
not available Output 71.956 % Calculated
not available Output 0.23532 % Calculated
not available Output 653.7881283182841 % Calculated
not available Output 378.95 % Calculated
not available Output 7.9444 % Calculated
not available Output 381020.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7417.2 % Calculated
not available Output 2010.9875208737565 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1153 % Calculated
not available Output 49142.0 % Calculated
not available Output 18.775 % Calculated
not available Output 175.38 % Calculated
not available Output 478.18 % Calculated
not available Output 10647.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2288E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 0.0043676 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 965.21 % Calculated
not available Output 34.168 % Calculated
not available Output 5.099 % Calculated
not available Output 12.503 % Calculated
not available Output 22.397 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 893.8117049484323 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground HR Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 52599.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1832 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8653 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3939 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 83.837 % Calculated
not available Output 0.75601 % Calculated
not available Output 76.681 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.37419 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground HU Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 28.34 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 16.706 % Calculated
not available Output 976.26 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground IT Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.68124 % Calculated
not available Output 93508.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 25.293 % Calculated
not available Output 0.47192 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground IE Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2274E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1823E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 11.696 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 20.687 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 27049.47608091963 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1795 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8937 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6085 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5225 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0404 % Calculated
not available Output 13.917 % Calculated
not available Output 7.3361 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 204.5593640711217 % Calculated
not available Output 17.277 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9544E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1131 % Calculated
not available Output 0.068058 % Calculated
not available Output 9088.908871018328 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground DK Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 1.612 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9684 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1946.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1541E-18 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground DE Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 17.432 % Calculated
not available Output 11.944 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7112E-26 % Calculated
not available Output 108.5 % Calculated
not available Output 764.09 % Calculated
not available Output 22.571 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 3.675 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4776 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0289E-5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 152190.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground EE Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.21948 % Calculated
not available Output 0.057612 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 121.33 % Calculated
not available Output 135.74 % Calculated
not available Output 2014.102352871623 % Calculated
not available Output 0.018854 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground ES Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7783E-20 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground FI Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 387.07 % Calculated
not available Output 22.288 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground GB Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 6.526234802747784E-19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground FR Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5982E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0086225 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3983E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1074 % Calculated
not available Output 113.1 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground GR Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.318 % Calculated
not available Output 29.97 % Calculated
not available Output 922.48 % Calculated
not available Output 202.39 % Calculated
not available Output 623.5 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9118 % Calculated
not available Output 11241.503548316956 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 575.12 % Calculated
not available Output 55.556 % Calculated
not available Output 0.9841866365016807 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 27049.47608091963 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5794E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 19.89 % Calculated
not available Output 110.79 % Calculated
not available Output 1.806E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3787 % Calculated
not available Output 0.94161 % Calculated
not available Output 1.313 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0020995 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.74059 % Calculated
not available Output 39530.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3951 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13.843 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground AL Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.44748 % Calculated
not available Output 3263.3274020720564 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 528.35 % Calculated
not available Output 1066.2 % Calculated
not available Output 1818.5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11231 % Calculated
not available Output 21.169 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground AT Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3541 % Calculated
not available Output 595.34 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground BG Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6258 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground BA Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1422 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4254 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground BE Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 31.222 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2189E-6 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground BY Output 152.59 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 27.803 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 11.148 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0851 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8335 % Calculated
not available Output 0.022834 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1716E-27 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground CH Output 152.59 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 2066.2 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4045E-20 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground CZ Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 1340.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.03381 % Calculated
not available Output 126760.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 3263.3274020720564 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 0.86731 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground CS Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 9.1884E-23 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5307E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 27.109 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11231 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
not available Output 64057.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6697 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 180.09 % Calculated
not available Output 15972.695264428192 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
not available Output 33061.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.6836 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 4292.056597623994 % Calculated
not available Output 108.5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.98284211011834E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 54658.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1442.57764721605 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 909.1832123770035 % Calculated
not available Output 31.727 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2246 % Calculated
not available Output 231.53 % Calculated
not available Output 16.574 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 2506.9500453314813 % Calculated
not available Output 566.93 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 2.0314 % Calculated
not available Output 215.76 % Calculated
not available Output 387.6 % Calculated
not available Output 72.87185796305965 % Calculated
not available Output 0.50058 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7005 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63114 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7087E-13 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 5.7199E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 7693.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6564.9 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4752 % Calculated
not available Output 13917.0 % Calculated
not available Output 300.37 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4.6927 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 9088.908871018328 % Calculated
not available Output 13800.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2236.4 % Calculated
not available Output 886.5 % Calculated
not available Output 971.84 % Calculated
not available Output 15942.37163413599 % Calculated
not available Output 165.96 % Calculated
not available Output 10.52 % Calculated
not available Output 44.248 % Calculated
not available Output 184.54 % Calculated
not available Output 20420.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26.188 % Calculated
not available Output 54.154 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7458E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 19.382 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 44.69 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 9671.490845144066 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2188 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5389E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 30.523 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16167 % Calculated
not available Output 48.182 % Calculated
not available Output 231.53 % Calculated
not available Output 899.52 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 273.15 % Calculated
not available Output 2869.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6627 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 7.053900825124722E-15 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 342796.23307222995 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6936E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9453E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.17374 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.719 % Calculated
not available Output 185.05 % Calculated
not available Output 2371.3 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6096 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 269.69 % Calculated
not available Output 13.073 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27607 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79802 % Calculated
not available Output 21.92 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 20.361 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 44731.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1946.8 % Calculated
not available Output 56.69 % Calculated
not available Output 37.815 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1694 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024822 % Calculated
not available Output 1607.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79648 % Calculated
not available Output 4333.9 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5823E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 18.983 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3837 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 70.449 % Calculated
not available Output 73.806 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3668 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4396 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9477E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1164 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1164 % Calculated
not available Output 0.10958 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0691 % Calculated
not available Output 4.0736E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 1173.3 % Calculated
not available Output 11.696 % Calculated
not available Output 820.16 % Calculated
not available Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
not available Output 92.846 % Calculated
not available Output 883.16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.55188 % Calculated
not available Output 170.35 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 59003.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2018.0279160859156 % Calculated
not available Output 1734.6942563551206 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3757 % Calculated
not available Output 4470.2502197712665 % Calculated
not available Output 135.46 % Calculated
not available Output 4.591 % Calculated
not available Output 9.2515 % Calculated
not available Output 20.16 % Calculated
not available Output 30.16996657803469 % Calculated
not available Output 0.092337 % Calculated
not available Output 97.352 % Calculated
not available Output 0.90239 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19285 % Calculated
not available Output 36.62 % Calculated
not available Output 4556.8 % Calculated
not available Output 182.06 % Calculated
not available Output 1725.896653140423 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 27.702155240275985 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.41894 % Calculated
not available Output 2777.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.41142 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 20.361 % Calculated
not available Output 341.52 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 2464.904813447571 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9293 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 181.44 % Calculated
not available Output 176.93 % Calculated
not available Output 10.723 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5934 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 24.533951453131785 % Calculated
not available Output 0.9841866365016807 % Calculated
not available Output 33381.0 % Calculated
not available Output 22.058 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7975E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2616 % Calculated
not available Output 0.74728 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2820.5 % Calculated
not available Output 127.23 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1935E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.42382 % Calculated
not available Output 9.8099E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12824 % Calculated
not available Output 1.083E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 333.74746533222674 % Calculated
not available Output 30.195 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 17.070593886337686 % Calculated
not available Output 4775.290751488173 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7903 % Calculated
not available Output 21.165 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9041 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 19.252 % Calculated
not available Output 6844.9 % Calculated
not available Output 55.104 % Calculated
not available Output 0.36212 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5771 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016211 % Calculated
not available Output 20.019 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1189 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.029344 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.17374 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.332 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.34865 % Calculated
not available Output 191.7 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8644 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 93.766 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6331E-22 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 27.80611908286212 % Calculated
not available Output 50137.0 % Calculated
not available Output 655.0121841650875 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7984E-14 % Calculated
not available Output 293.49 % Calculated
not available Output 26.189 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5799.2 % Calculated
not available Output 19.298 % Calculated
not available Output 37.915 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5313 % Calculated
not available Output 3.9121 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5721E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 57.758 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 2.0314 % Calculated
not available Output 33.297 % Calculated
not available Output 3255.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 11.527 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 2320.5 % Calculated
not available Output 1360.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2252 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 165.89 % Calculated
not available Output 28.43 % Calculated
not available Output 0.21754 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6188 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4874 % Calculated
not available Output 24637.0 % Calculated
not available Output 35.629 % Calculated
not available Output 8.0391 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024822 % Calculated
not available Output 0.2647 % Calculated
not available Output 10974.0 % Calculated
not available Output 38.027 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0791 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6982 % Calculated
not available Output 17.039 % Calculated
not available Output 4244.3 % Calculated
not available Output 259.85 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 6.1714 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 182.06 % Calculated
not available Output 10.723 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83403 % Calculated
not available Output 0.22421 % Calculated
not available Output 25164.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 3.957883673526945E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 4147.520198066774 % Calculated
not available Output 1.886357418817773E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 93508.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.46863 % Calculated
not available Output 227.03 % Calculated
not available Output 10860.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.591 % Calculated
not available Output 0.05481 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8583E-22 % Calculated
not available Output 26.187 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0575 % Calculated
not available Output 10.723 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.322 % Calculated
not available Output 12.429 % Calculated
not available Output 62.342 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2028 % Calculated
not available Output 9.9799 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8224 % Calculated
not available Output 1090.1 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2392 % Calculated
not available Output 1.637 % Calculated
not available Output 20.687 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 375.32 % Calculated
not available Output 377.75 % Calculated
not available Output 17.070593886337686 % Calculated
not available Output 260.5 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3739 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5313 % Calculated
not available Output 80894.0 % Calculated
not available Output 31.043 % Calculated
not available Output 34.472 % Calculated
not available Output 51.67528014780824 % Calculated
not available Output 0.018854 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76392 % Calculated
not available Output 70.04 % Calculated
not available Output 101.84 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 27.91008292544825 % Calculated
not available Output 0.36466 % Calculated
not available Output 956.72 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2499 % Calculated
not available Output 0.67993 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3314 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9293 % Calculated
not available Output 10.006 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 20.361 % Calculated
not available Output 204.42 % Calculated
not available Output 1.251 % Calculated
not available Output 13.45 % Calculated
not available Output 4.4941 % Calculated
not available Output 45.006 % Calculated
not available Output 13.605 % Calculated
not available Output 18952.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11231 % Calculated
not available Output 19.857 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30.529 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6059 % Calculated
not available Output 2.197321478927571E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0358 % Calculated
not available Output 3255.3 % Calculated
not available Output 22.42 % Calculated
not available Output 20.467 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3453E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.81281 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 4147.520198066774 % Calculated
not available Output 180.52 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0335 % Calculated
not available Output 11.533 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 19.705 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 21.012 % Calculated
not available Output 17.039 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7842 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8832E-12 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 15051.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3535 % Calculated
not available Output 36.214 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7587 % Calculated
not available Output 4395.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.041216 % Calculated
not available Output 42.857 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1715.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 76.616 % Calculated
not available Output 5.647 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.022837 % Calculated
not available Output 273.18 % Calculated
not available Output 1.49 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2577E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 10.332 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 13934.093560547464 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 3.2088758629106468E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0088343 % Calculated
not available Output 4286.797511607755 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8987E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 24.309 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 8.202 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3535 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 2.5871 % Calculated
not available Output 8332.6 % Calculated
not available Output 67.41 % Calculated
not available Output 3817.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12824 % Calculated
not available Output 10.724 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8999E-26 % Calculated
not available Output 0.86731 % Calculated
not available Output 4.705E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1288 % Calculated
not available Output 10.263 % Calculated
not available Output 811.46 % Calculated
not available Output 4595.3 % Calculated
not available Output 1223.8 % Calculated
not available Output 976.26 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4173E-30 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 21.086 % Calculated
not available Output 4.167 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1938 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3067 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2134E-12 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 3921.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24747 % Calculated
not available Output 38.467 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 6164.3385578187135 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2259 % Calculated
not available Output 169.99 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15923 % Calculated
not available Output 0.47203 % Calculated
not available Output 25601.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9811.1 % Calculated
not available Output 13263.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.46375 % Calculated
not available Output 4814.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8975 % Calculated
not available Output 105890.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.32074 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 106980.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.231 % Calculated
not available Output 0.35768 % Calculated
not available Output 50.7262476945536 % Calculated
not available Output 18.429 % Calculated
not available Output 962.76 % Calculated
not available Output 2.16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34964 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 15.092 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0343E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1596 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27189 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4602 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 15.719 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 9658.017917373805 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
not available Output 2074.5259694613073 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 50.079 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024822 % Calculated
not available Output 0.057247 % Calculated
not available Output 2018.0279160859156 % Calculated
not available Output 521.36 % Calculated
not available Output 4442.9 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3574 % Calculated
not available Output 40.639 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 17.070593886337686 % Calculated
not available Output 15.576 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0010372 % Calculated
not available Output 33.984 % Calculated
not available Output 24.53395145313178 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0099051 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1528.2929328254681 % Calculated
not available Output 143.35416561027336 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8046 % Calculated
not available Output 3299.1 % Calculated
not available Output 64156.89851832929 % Calculated
not available Output 0.43971 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 92141.3463001262 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.943 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9561 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 9.3562 % Calculated
not available Output 501.36 % Calculated
not available Output 2935.196064320285 % Calculated
not available Output 2228.1 % Calculated
not available Output 33740.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.40036 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.726 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.77148 % Calculated
not available Output 30.929 % Calculated
not available Output 52213.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1766.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0495 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 17.432 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2083 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 385.01 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
not available Output 12.439 % Calculated
not available Output 112.21 % Calculated
not available Output 17.382 % Calculated
not available Output 566.93 % Calculated
not available Output 0.94629 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 1148.396476615286 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2395 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1673 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 4.286159524120895E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4784 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 39.912 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 203.88368118793238 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5211 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24979 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 19.99909026263621 % Calculated
not available Output 11.757 % Calculated
not available Output 206.55 % Calculated
not available Output 1709.9914590160652 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1074 % Calculated
not available Output 126.75 % Calculated
not available Output 22.339 % Calculated
not available Output 824.48 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 25.535 % Calculated
not available Output 25601.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.696E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 76.681 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4822E-8 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 156.99 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2886E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4254 % Calculated
not available Output 30.478 % Calculated
not available Output 2713.7 % Calculated
not available Output 65.896 % Calculated
not available Output 0.37914 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3828 % Calculated
not available Output 53.296 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 878.22 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1717 % Calculated
not available Output 6.7278 % Calculated
not available Output 24.317 % Calculated
not available Output 17.02923210147278 % Calculated
not available Output 0.54141 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.9135E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3331 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 324.75 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0574E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 7.2891 % Calculated
not available Output 0.60451 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 11.094 % Calculated
not available Output 24.309 % Calculated
not available Output 32.053 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 12657.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15894 % Calculated
not available Output 26.188 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2616.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79647 % Calculated
not available Output 2241.9 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1338 % Calculated
not available Output 0.98361 % Calculated
not available Output 67.065 % Calculated
not available Output 103.3 % Calculated
not available Output 18073.409791340713 % Calculated
not available Output 131.47 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0284 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059261 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7775 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.4075E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 21.038 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0426282039890724E-19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 0.022828 % Calculated
not available Output 0.047639 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 17.432 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1614 % Calculated
not available Output 165.89 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 19193.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2668 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1153 % Calculated
not available Output 2.3081E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.25959 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.73484 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7532 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024823 % Calculated
not available Output 623.5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 1659.5122139814162 % Calculated
not available Output 14408.0 % Calculated
not available Output 235.45 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12166 % Calculated
not available Output 5.9634 % Calculated
not available Output 2.104 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 28.88491274661666 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6115E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 2210.717290783527 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 766.34 % Calculated
not available Output 2498.734156531005 % Calculated
not available Output 387.07 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 35.82 % Calculated
not available Output 1535.6562118051795 % Calculated
not available Output 27.232 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.022828 % Calculated
not available Output 272.02 % Calculated
not available Output 60.648 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 19.631 % Calculated
not available Output 177970.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3685E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7603.8 % Calculated
not available Output 84.091 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7097E-7 % Calculated
not available Output 36.568 % Calculated
not available Output 2498.734156531005 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.949 % Calculated
not available Output 87.583 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 9088.908871018328 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.438 % Calculated
not available Output 405.46 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4915 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1856 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 72.87185796305965 % Calculated
not available Output 7.3364 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7686 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 3.98284211011834E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 2142.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2417.9 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4474 % Calculated
not available Output 16.573 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4776 % Calculated
not available Output 45.205 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 111310.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.23961 % Calculated
not available Output 0.22613 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 18073.409791340713 % Calculated
not available Output 309.58 % Calculated
not available Output 13.045 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 92141.3463001262 % Calculated
not available Output 36.629 % Calculated
not available Output 5.6359 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8771 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 4.7115E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 0.01676 % Calculated
not available Output 5.438 % Calculated
not available Output 956.82 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0027423 % Calculated
not available Output 14.293 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2863 % Calculated
not available Output 26732.0 % Calculated
not available Output 191.7 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7286 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 28.88491274661666 % Calculated
not available Output 57.801 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2233 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1808 % Calculated
not available Output 21084.0 % Calculated
not available Output 27.77492993008628 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 873.56 % Calculated
not available Output 0.10708 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.038283 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4440.2 % Calculated
not available Output 962.75 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 153.81 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 7750.8 % Calculated
not available Output 9.3562 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6081E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 253.02 % Calculated
not available Output 839.48 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 33.303 % Calculated
not available Output 291.82 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6827 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 91.131 % Calculated
not available Output 4.286159524120895E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 22.469 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1158E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0020005 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 34024.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.7751 % Calculated
not available Output 103.54 % Calculated
not available Output 203.68097632297562 % Calculated
not available Output 2147.6 % Calculated
not available Output 126.75 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0078453 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2392 % Calculated
not available Output 295920.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.470692433736435E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0085217 % Calculated
not available Output 7344.9 % Calculated
not available Output 355.58 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 77.034 % Calculated
not available Output 740.28 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.7239 % Calculated
not available Output 22.646 % Calculated
not available Output 551.19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 15166.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13.68 % Calculated
not available Output 30.081 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1831E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1405E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 33.984 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024252 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2275 % Calculated
not available Output 665.52 % Calculated
not available Output 15.559 % Calculated
not available Output 35.056 % Calculated
not available Output 1718.6142265293195 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3622 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 23.443 % Calculated
not available Output 13653.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6467 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059266 % Calculated
not available Output 78.266 % Calculated
not available Output 17.095 % Calculated
not available Output 0.17126 % Calculated
not available Output 1100.5 % Calculated
not available Output 1048.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.88876 % Calculated
not available Output 7.9487 % Calculated
not available Output 231.27 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 12274.013470217462 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2034 % Calculated
not available Output 302.93 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6733E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 8.147 % Calculated
not available Output 203.41 % Calculated
not available Output 308.35 % Calculated
not available Output 0.6184 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1223.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.03858 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 22.288 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1530.8700804683672 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3783E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 280.49 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4740.144065793249 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4585 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2821 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1973 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0252E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 7.869 % Calculated
not available Output 22.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 39.948 % Calculated
not available Output 0.87397 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.724 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3326.3 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
not available Output 4298.3 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 51.67528014780824 % Calculated
not available Output 409.57 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 6164.338557818713 % Calculated
not available Output 0.22762 % Calculated
not available Output 238094.87035705947 % Calculated
not available Output 6631.5 % Calculated
not available Output 4.445 % Calculated
not available Output 28.053 % Calculated
not available Output 48.182 % Calculated
not available Output 172.07 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
not available Output 84.016 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5718 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 238451.7354820019 % Calculated
not available Output 30.506 % Calculated
not available Output 397.83 % Calculated
not available Output 53.485 % Calculated
not available Output 2498.734156531005 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0095E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 30.135 % Calculated
not available Output 0.43971 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6037 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.7083E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8046 % Calculated
not available Output 1895.8 % Calculated
not available Output 20.602 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.602 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6944E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2675E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.4278 % Calculated
not available Output 6311.78472154855 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6223.5 % Calculated
not available Output 43.33602618374838 % Calculated
not available Output 85.673 % Calculated
not available Output 43.33602618374838 % Calculated
not available Output 0.092337 % Calculated
not available Output 0.71765 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 44.69 % Calculated
not available Output 9.674226527712855E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6223.5 % Calculated
not available Output 86.07566244704503 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.037293 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1727 % Calculated
not available Output 0.022834 % Calculated
not available Output 203.95 % Calculated
not available Output 95.246 % Calculated
not available Output 26.885 % Calculated
not available Output 18856.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 55.104 % Calculated
not available Output 4255.1 % Calculated
not available Output 1.195 % Calculated
not available Output 0.4942849090233019 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 2006.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6048 % Calculated
not available Output 0.058033 % Calculated
not available Output 3210.2 % Calculated
not available Output 3671.4 % Calculated
not available Output 893.8117049484325 % Calculated
not available Output 0.068049 % Calculated
not available Output 1072.5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.036436 % Calculated
not available Output 0.89664 % Calculated
not available Output 0.93124 % Calculated
not available Output 2.6415 % Calculated
not available Output 0.041216 % Calculated
not available Output 30.200339436984088 % Calculated
not available Output 606.91 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1717 % Calculated
not available Output 27538.0 % Calculated
not available Output 28.34 % Calculated
not available Output 291.82 % Calculated
not available Output 269.69 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1802.9 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1686 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.3364 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8712 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059675 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 25.829 % Calculated
not available Output 12.429 % Calculated
not available Output 273.07 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 7.574304470573605E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.3526E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 26.852 % Calculated
not available Output 7.8881 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 295920.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1999.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.044974 % Calculated
not available Output 30.113 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0186 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83294 % Calculated
not available Output 2331.4 % Calculated
not available Output 8.139 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 199.75 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 51.67528014780824 % Calculated
not available Output 0.22613 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27189 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3362 % Calculated
not available Output 16.354 % Calculated
not available Output 107.17 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1074 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 62.165 % Calculated
not available Output 21.959 % Calculated
not available Output 659.95 % Calculated
not available Output 308.63 % Calculated
not available Output 50.7262476945536 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8129 % Calculated
not available Output 2013.4516591980123 % Calculated
not available Output 64022.5436146844 % Calculated
not available Output 46.337 % Calculated
not available Output 73.927 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7284 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 61.977 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1214 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024259 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024823 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 5530.110188853351 % Calculated
not available Output 33.77 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12824 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 11.094 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.3 % Calculated
not available Output 20.955 % Calculated
not available Output 378.95 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
not available Output 15.529 % Calculated
not available Output 3.9361 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2890.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34865 % Calculated
not available Output 153.21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.7265 % Calculated
not available Output 4.167 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3965 % Calculated
not available Output 551.19 % Calculated
not available Output 242.27 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79647 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28411 % Calculated
not available Output 0.35618 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 0.36597 % Calculated
not available Output 342796.23307222995 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2079 % Calculated
not available Output 17.104 % Calculated
not available Output 0.20753 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 33.71 % Calculated
not available Output 335.57 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 353.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.34838 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8013 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3058E-22 % Calculated
not available Output 0.47049 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2078E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1233E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.94841 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 953.85 % Calculated
not available Output 1740.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1999.3390668614907 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 27049.47608091963 % Calculated
not available Output 0.71765 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2034 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8227 % Calculated
not available Output 22.071 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 93508.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3632 % Calculated
not available Output 33987.0 % Calculated
not available Output 42.47 % Calculated
not available Output 284.25 % Calculated
not available Output 4350.8 % Calculated
not available Output 19.816 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 219.47 % Calculated
not available Output 968.54 % Calculated
not available Output 0.39232 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15063 % Calculated
not available Output 198.35 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0017166 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1254 % Calculated
not available Output 6386.1 % Calculated
not available Output 333.08981222046543 % Calculated
not available Output 23.08 % Calculated
not available Output 33.684 % Calculated
not available Output 86.07566244704503 % Calculated
not available Output 8.147 % Calculated
not available Output 1408.2 % Calculated
not available Output 39530.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31082 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9586 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.6106E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 17.006960371160908 % Calculated
not available Output 3940.083012503185 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 15871.616496787527 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2879 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 16073.774032068854 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2371.3 % Calculated
not available Output 24.863 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4394 % Calculated
not available Output 2.156E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 7656.0 % Calculated
not available Output 51.171 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1776 % Calculated
not available Output 24.089 % Calculated
not available Output 0.47569 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4056 % Calculated
not available Output 639.65 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2810.6 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 9.6327 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 304.88 % Calculated
not available Output 1.637 % Calculated
not available Output 1420.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28008 % Calculated
not available Output 1848.895316685864 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 52.021 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6452E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4125 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7686 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2435E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 262.04 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6595 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0487 % Calculated
not available Output 35.629 % Calculated
not available Output 521.36 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3159 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.156E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 1848.895316685864 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 172.41 % Calculated
not available Output 68.25546277139645 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 107.89 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8046 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30424 % Calculated
not available Output 1741.189824429658 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 0.044974 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8151 % Calculated
not available Output 48124.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 180.7 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.1531 % Calculated
not available Output 0.009917 % Calculated
not available Output 7.8052 % Calculated
not available Output 119.69 % Calculated
not available Output 8.7392 % Calculated
not available Output 19.705 % Calculated
not available Output 11.094 % Calculated
not available Output 1484.8 % Calculated
not available Output 71480.0 % Calculated
not available Output 157.29 % Calculated
not available Output 0.2584 % Calculated
not available Output 39043.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.010136 % Calculated
not available Output 1318.2 % Calculated
not available Output 265.77 % Calculated
not available Output 16073.774032068854 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 301.44 % Calculated
not available Output 9.0286E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3684E-20 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 80.527 % Calculated
not available Output 19.89 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4993 % Calculated
not available Output 628.0322758884029 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 2.6107 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79648 % Calculated
not available Output 2.3526E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76387 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0139 % Calculated
not available Output 1.491 % Calculated
not available Output 85.674 % Calculated
not available Output 104.77 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6803.1 % Calculated
not available Output 20.349 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3668 % Calculated
not available Output 2002.7459790176754 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 568.25 % Calculated
not available Output 7.9386 % Calculated
not available Output 48.916 % Calculated
not available Output 1290.7 % Calculated
not available Output 21.012 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8677 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3622 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 1.1792 % Calculated
not available Output 185.65 % Calculated
not available Output 56.69 % Calculated
not available Output 0.42003 % Calculated
not available Output 341.52 % Calculated
not available Output 38.138 % Calculated
not available Output 2254.6 % Calculated
not available Output 212.96 % Calculated
not available Output 2759.8 % Calculated
not available Output 268.85 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1295E-21 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 111310.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.279 % Calculated
not available Output 0.94841 % Calculated
not available Output 4.189 % Calculated
not available Output 7603.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2252 % Calculated
not available Output 36.219 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1967 % Calculated
not available Output 177970.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1056E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 50.502 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8646 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 9.1768E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
not available Output 575.12 % Calculated
not available Output 0.82204 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 260.5 % Calculated
not available Output 899.72 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4495E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 52.326 % Calculated
not available Output 9.115E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 27.91008292544825 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1674 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2096 % Calculated
not available Output 4351.936148782046 % Calculated
not available Output 0.77367 % Calculated
not available Output 27.266 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7842E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.23962 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8722E-14 % Calculated
not available Output 4.4449 % Calculated
not available Output 731.64 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 0.0050755 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1287 % Calculated
not available Output 900.18 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6085 % Calculated
not available Output 674494.7621301207 % Calculated
not available Output 63.312 % Calculated
not available Output 20.955 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 37.815 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4876 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 90.79 % Calculated
not available Output 4.4449 % Calculated
not available Output 73.929 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83873 % Calculated
not available Output 17.238 % Calculated
not available Output 81.848 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 28885.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5709E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1478E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 0.40036 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4981E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 176.2 % Calculated
not available Output 1.671 % Calculated
not available Output 18.981 % Calculated
not available Output 19.807 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 0.10719 % Calculated
not available Output 78.927 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4446 % Calculated
not available Output 0.29093 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6085 % Calculated
not available Output 0.90239 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground UA Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30.578 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2533 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7708 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.0128 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0002 % Calculated
not available Output 9.9798 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1287E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9721 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0054 % Calculated
not available Output 944.8432609493653 % Calculated
not available Output 618.9529355888297 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0014238 % Calculated
not available Output 794.37 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6565 % Calculated
not available Output 7505.8 % Calculated
not available Output 40.538 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3574 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2858 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5572 % Calculated
not available Output 2934.9 % Calculated
not available Output 8.9111 % Calculated
not available Output 102500.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0075712 % Calculated
not available Output 9.4854E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 170.17 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8049 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0837E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11231 % Calculated
not available Output 27.77492993008628 % Calculated
not available Output 0.42062 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4195E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 215.53 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground PT Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 26.552 % Calculated
not available Output 60.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground PL Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 72.282 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1805E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4146287648028535E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0205 % Calculated
not available Output 62.393 % Calculated
not available Output 1194.2411923367024 % Calculated
not available Output 9.7133 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 116.66 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0219 % Calculated
not available Output 930.33 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 57.545 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 2018.0279160859156 % Calculated
not available Output 3731.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground RO Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 824.48 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground RU Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground SI Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground SK Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5721E-22 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 121.34 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground SE Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 297.09 % Calculated
not available Output 0.1107 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5494 % Calculated
not available Output 157.5 % Calculated
not available Output 6.7921 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28142 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6496 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4633 % Calculated
not available Output 28.944 % Calculated
not available Output 11.166 % Calculated
not available Output 26453.0 % Calculated
not available Output 34759.0 % Calculated
not available Output 19.382 % Calculated
not available Output 4753.2 % Calculated
not available Output 8.7708E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6751 % Calculated
not available Output 0.21754 % Calculated
not available Output 1.446 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4803 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground LV Output 152.59 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground LU Output 152.59 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground LT Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1596 % Calculated
not available Output 4311.6 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8225 % Calculated
not available Output 49.676 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2675E-4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground MD Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.8621 % Calculated
not available Output 8.0773E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 6.5363 % Calculated
not available Output 18.983 % Calculated
not available Output 68.97 % Calculated
not available Output 0.10708 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 237902.71221285977 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 205.19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground MK Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 630.046518675329 % Calculated
not available Output 0.77148 % Calculated
not available Output 1459.8 % Calculated
not available Output 51951.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9895 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49693 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4772 % Calculated
not available Output 0.070295 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 27.91008292544825 % Calculated
not available Output 280.65 % Calculated
not available Output 4753.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.41894 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 26453.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.13407 % Calculated
not available Output 0.14779 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4076E-4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground NL Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground NO Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 144.26 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1795 % Calculated
not available Output 0.087289 % Calculated
not available Output 0.23965 % Calculated
not available Output 7.7755 % Calculated
not available Output 51.411 % Calculated
not available Output 85.308 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7225 % Calculated
not available Output 0.54393 % Calculated
not available Output 0.02862 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1856 % Calculated
not available Output 0.87397 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8712 % Calculated
not available Output 242.27 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 121.35 % Calculated
not available Output 52.546 % Calculated
not available Output 22.469 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 16073.774032068854 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8397 % Calculated
not available Output 181.66 % Calculated
not available Output 30.225 % Calculated
not available Output 2869.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 1.062E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 2283.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 31302.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5704.3 % Calculated
not available Output 11610.0 % Calculated
not available Output 25.006 % Calculated
not available Output 26117.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1 % Calculated
not available Output 18073.409791340713 % Calculated
not available Output 5.7697E-5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 1.9884 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.8017 % Calculated
not available Output 210.63 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 141.31 % Calculated
not available Output 9811.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.018007 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059266 % Calculated
not available Output 5387.5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2476.6 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 6311.78472154855 % Calculated
not available Output 59.758 % Calculated
not available Output 22.279 % Calculated
not available Output 6803.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3215 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1795 % Calculated
not available Output 0.027646 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9639 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30217 % Calculated
not available Output 31302.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11582 % Calculated
not available Output 0.344168005540213 % Calculated
not available Output 645.63 % Calculated
not available Output 64063.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9868 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.05285 % Calculated
not available Output 0.069406 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4772 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 6.526234802747784E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79647 % Calculated
not available Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4124 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 12.749 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 3697.5624829130575 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.40451 % Calculated
not available Output 11.166 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 909.1832123770035 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4416 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2078E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 126.13 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4146 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8375 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1106E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 254.15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.070295 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 16073.774032068854 % Calculated
not available Output 1527.1 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 13934.093560547464 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8833 % Calculated
not available Output 0.05657 % Calculated
not available Output 30.478 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3886E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2334E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 1531.9745723153237 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1991.3896051637275 % Calculated
not available Output 1166.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9293 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2236.4 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8224 % Calculated
not available Output 1176.1 % Calculated
not available Output 185.05 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16363 % Calculated
not available Output 1166.4 % Calculated
not available Output 181190.0 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 0.57103 % Calculated
not available Output 227.03 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3806E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.082316 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9001E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.88844 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 11918.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63114 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.313 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2386 % Calculated
not available Output 645.63 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4572 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 18.433 % Calculated
not available Output 2013.4516591980123 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8186 % Calculated
not available Output 0.019376 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1508 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 33.984 % Calculated
not available Output 155.61 % Calculated
not available Output 0.041216 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8013 % Calculated
not available Output 30.167 % Calculated
not available Output 1.031 % Calculated
not available Output 31.732 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8975 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 34.433 % Calculated
not available Output 474.76 % Calculated
not available Output 145.05 % Calculated
not available Output 215.76 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 5530.110188853351 % Calculated
not available Output 0.54393 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92257 % Calculated
not available Output 353.9 % Calculated
not available Output 1442.20696055064 % Calculated
not available Output 289.59 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 29.734 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19659 % Calculated
not available Output 295920.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.89389 % Calculated
not available Output 0.010136 % Calculated
not available Output 12.749 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 478.26922787786 % Calculated
not available Output 513.1042026334452 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79802 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4613 % Calculated
not available Output 238177.22384743087 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 9684.963772914325 % Calculated
not available Output 1.446 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024822 % Calculated
not available Output 4.4446 % Calculated
not available Output 3971.2 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9549E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.075402 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8253 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79648 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 55.779 % Calculated
not available Output 113.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.44216 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.7071 % Calculated
not available Output 51.718 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4463 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0075347 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 3.0746 % Calculated
not available Output 50.60767584702834 % Calculated
not available Output 19.788 % Calculated
not available Output 86.586 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 9088.908871018328 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6496 % Calculated
not available Output 962.76 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 231.53 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.344168005540213 % Calculated
not available Output 2843.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0085796 % Calculated
not available Output 0.016112 % Calculated
not available Output 19.943180854607306 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 12274.013470217462 % Calculated
not available Output 106210.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.21754 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 27.266 % Calculated
not available Output 3697.5624829130575 % Calculated
not available Output 174870.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.016411 % Calculated
not available Output 80.033 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.4132 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 6.5439E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 54658.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.5492 % Calculated
not available Output 3326.3 % Calculated
not available Output 983.21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83828 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1285.0342328220777 % Calculated
not available Output 1626.0688063366833 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24923 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6048 % Calculated
not available Output 175.38 % Calculated
not available Output 4311.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3696 % Calculated
not available Output 162.34 % Calculated
not available Output 76.616 % Calculated
not available Output 26.036 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0634 % Calculated
not available Output 909.1832123770035 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31432 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 47.968 % Calculated
not available Output 956.82 % Calculated
not available Output 275.01 % Calculated
not available Output 282.74 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 0.36597 % Calculated
not available Output 0.077556 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2392 % Calculated
not available Output 0.55778 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3734E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9624 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3863E-7 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5674 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8458.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.39084 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0087654 % Calculated
not available Output 405.46 % Calculated
not available Output 595.34 % Calculated
not available Output 7299.9 % Calculated
not available Output 38884.0 % Calculated
not available Output 27.266 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 11236.40165143179 % Calculated
not available Output 10.707 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1438 % Calculated
not available Output 75132.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.6059 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 22.907 % Calculated
not available Output 27.77492993008628 % Calculated
not available Output 4141.5 % Calculated
not available Output 269.69 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 2493.2 % Calculated
not available Output 2084.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2132.7 % Calculated
not available Output 22.571 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12028 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5202E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4457 % Calculated
not available Output 21.422 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4148 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1763 % Calculated
not available Output 1.586E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 899.72 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 158.03833736824075 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2668 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6708 % Calculated
not available Output 27.964 % Calculated
not available Output 1173.2 % Calculated
not available Output 19.565 % Calculated
not available Output 35.309 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7678 % Calculated
not available Output 199.75 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2403 % Calculated
not available Output 2446.2 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3668 % Calculated
not available Output 23.637 % Calculated
not available Output 21.168 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6457 % Calculated
not available Output 15871.616496787527 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0205 % Calculated
not available Output 30.819 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0914E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 26.189 % Calculated
not available Output 18.448 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 0.9841866365016807 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059318 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24084 % Calculated
not available Output 0.057091 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8546E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 348.27 % Calculated
not available Output 36.448 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30.506 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 156.99 % Calculated
not available Output 1166.4 % Calculated
not available Output 57.758 % Calculated
not available Output 182.6 % Calculated
not available Output 25879.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.066429 % Calculated
not available Output 64063.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 301.44 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 48.463 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0538 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.039273 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1985 % Calculated
not available Output 651.45 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1073 % Calculated
not available Output 1381.6 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 6.470692433736435E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.41385 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5721E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0538 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4254 % Calculated
not available Output 55.556 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3006E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 41.615 % Calculated
not available Output 72990.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0792 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0396 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83294 % Calculated
not available Output 91.725 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 2074.5259694613073 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 191.8 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8848E-9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 33.303 % Calculated
not available Output 2.6254E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 5.75E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0817 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5572 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 23.585 % Calculated
not available Output 128.78 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3232 % Calculated
not available Output 97.352 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059261 % Calculated
not available Output 126.71 % Calculated
not available Output 43.699 % Calculated
not available Output 39.202 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.022828 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016109 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 2.3385 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.3314E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30.081 % Calculated
not available Output 22.373 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 112.45 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0103 % Calculated
not available Output 4311.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3623E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1931E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 7.867E-22 % Calculated
not available Output 22.359 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 656.236240011891 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3453E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 203.20799830474309 % Calculated
not available Output 0.56423 % Calculated
not available Output 7.508 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2675E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7344 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0022 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3306E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 1441.342024998017 % Calculated
not available Output 2014.102352871623 % Calculated
not available Output 2.17 % Calculated
not available Output 121.33 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3787 % Calculated
not available Output 322.14 % Calculated
not available Output 2.104 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4018.5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13.392 % Calculated
not available Output 0.2584 % Calculated
not available Output 30757.0 % Calculated
not available Output 261.48 % Calculated
not available Output 59.3519805858672 % Calculated
not available Output 77.524 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24557 % Calculated
not available Output 148.53 % Calculated
not available Output 6.4457 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 2.6742415053747476E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 4341.7 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9656 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.022833 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4164 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0827 % Calculated
not available Output 1713.1725270452 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0567E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5984 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2984 % Calculated
not available Output 238094.87035705947 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1481E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4163 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3398E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.949 % Calculated
not available Output 0.58561 % Calculated
not available Output 591.08 % Calculated
not available Output 0.45087 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0441E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 0.047639 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0088343 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 180.55 % Calculated
not available Output 16.198 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2237 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3057E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0893 % Calculated
not available Output 0.42951 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0099051 % Calculated
not available Output 2.276 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9041E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 307.09 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26.552 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 80.527 % Calculated
not available Output 126.75 % Calculated
not available Output 52.78 % Calculated
not available Output 22.279 % Calculated
not available Output 33.189 % Calculated
not available Output 2418.4 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5379E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6329 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5721E-4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 5.2161 % Calculated
not available Output 50.64917599366217 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8048 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13263.0 % Calculated
not available Output 18194.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1360.7 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2259 % Calculated
not available Output 20.349 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8578E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 28.174 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 2.087 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 33175.97305971487 % Calculated
not available Output 6.504E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8645 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 1381.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0967 % Calculated
not available Output 28885.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2929 % Calculated
not available Output 11.038 % Calculated
not available Output 5.9333E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 79.422 % Calculated
not available Output 3433.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4035 % Calculated
not available Output 285.18 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0014438 % Calculated
not available Output 16.762 % Calculated
not available Output 2142.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9083 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1171 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0614 % Calculated
not available Output 59.632245437847004 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 160.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 900.18 % Calculated
not available Output 0.004447 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.038197 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 22.006 % Calculated
not available Output 4034.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.57103 % Calculated
not available Output 560.64 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 15972.695264428192 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.55778 % Calculated
not available Output 25.293 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9533E-14 % Calculated
not available Output 19.99909026263621 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 113.95 % Calculated
not available Output 64057.0 % Calculated
not available Output 106.51 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 10741.0 % Calculated
not available Output 95.246 % Calculated
not available Output 4391.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.089023 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7416 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2721 % Calculated
not available Output 0.35508 % Calculated
not available Output 19.926408032198633 % Calculated
not available Output 12.018 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 57.445 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 4292.056597623994 % Calculated
not available Output 175.38 % Calculated
not available Output 0.53025 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.2937E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 6934.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.58591 % Calculated
not available Output 12.62 % Calculated
not available Output 23.847 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5343 % Calculated
not available Output 16.24 % Calculated
not available Output 19.298 % Calculated
not available Output 281.57 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3067 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 215.74 % Calculated
not available Output 9671.490845144066 % Calculated
not available Output 13.089 % Calculated
not available Output 13.523 % Calculated
not available Output 27.232 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3841 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.00186 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 29.907 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0831E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.47203 % Calculated
not available Output 7838.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3757 % Calculated
not available Output 25.796 % Calculated
not available Output 173.16 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 56.324 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6164.338557818712 % Calculated
not available Output 0.1937 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9064 % Calculated
not available Output 0.05354 % Calculated
not available Output 57.801 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31594 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0977 % Calculated
not available Output 1741.189824429658 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4348 % Calculated
not available Output 23429.217845595278 % Calculated
not available Output 6.9801E-23 % Calculated
not available Output 335.39 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 33.684 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 86.586 % Calculated
not available Output 0.90239 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 13934.093560547464 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.0243 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2821 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2499 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4221 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1214 % Calculated
not available Output 77.034 % Calculated
not available Output 6317.818728103488 % Calculated
not available Output 218.47 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 64.615 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 175.38 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0018362 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3841 % Calculated
not available Output 2014.5077184798358 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1378 % Calculated
not available Output 2498.734156531005 % Calculated
not available Output 28.88491274661666 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 3936.160566162338 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2473E-30 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0732E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 126.7 % Calculated
not available Output 591.08 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1824 % Calculated
not available Output 55.805 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2172 % Calculated
not available Output 501.36 % Calculated
not available Output 27.109 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4746 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.104 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3481 % Calculated
not available Output 2.3497 % Calculated
not available Output 180.55 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 158.03833736824075 % Calculated
not available Output 26256.0 % Calculated
not available Output 393.47 % Calculated
not available Output 30.139593719085287 % Calculated
not available Output 0.068049 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7241 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 2935.196064320285 % Calculated
not available Output 7986.9 % Calculated
not available Output 21.475 % Calculated
not available Output 63950.19866656793 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5161 % Calculated
not available Output 8.0848 % Calculated
not available Output 38.027 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4056 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016211 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92825 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 303.33 % Calculated
not available Output 7.355 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3535 % Calculated
not available Output 7.628 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0009 % Calculated
not available Output 4058.9648118199793 % Calculated
not available Output 9.9371 % Calculated
not available Output 2749.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.86731 % Calculated
not available Output 160.04 % Calculated
not available Output 36.214 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34531 % Calculated
not available Output 182.06 % Calculated
not available Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 13171.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.318 % Calculated
not available Output 141.36 % Calculated
not available Output 18.707 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 4.2136 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 81.741 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4729 % Calculated
not available Output 11481.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.9568E-26 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4902E-14 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5462.3 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 2.31875727413759E-17 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.28295 % Calculated
not available Output 6.7921 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 18655.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.96121 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4863 % Calculated
not available Output 215.74 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 131.96 % Calculated
not available Output 0.13407 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 27.266 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 679.78 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 36.126 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2581E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.36466 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83965 % Calculated
not available Output 0.019688 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6094 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 13171.0 % Calculated
not available Output 213.73 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1444E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088997 % Calculated
not available Output 626.9476836185197 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0075712 % Calculated
not available Output 268.85 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5244 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3604E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3411 % Calculated
not available Output 34759.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 322.16 % Calculated
not available Output 405.46 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1608E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 55.805 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.5 % Calculated
not available Output 16.796 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92924 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3817 % Calculated
not available Output 2476.6 % Calculated
not available Output 172.07 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7248 % Calculated
not available Output 753.18 % Calculated
not available Output 18454.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24594 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0981 % Calculated
not available Output 5235.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.48192 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) RO Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) RU Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6438 % Calculated
not available Output 2869.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3481 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31436 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 46.47592828149169 % Calculated
not available Output 16.859 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0504E-15 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) SE Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7693.7 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2562E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 24637.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79649 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) SI Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 8.2957E-7 % Calculated
not available Output 126.75 % Calculated
not available Output 14.939 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) SK Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4144.6 % Calculated
not available Output 25.694 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1815 % Calculated
not available Output 139.87 % Calculated
not available Output 1.274 % Calculated
not available Output 59.450073284060146 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1715.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 14.939 % Calculated
not available Output 0.90203 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6737 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 26.036 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.082316 % Calculated
not available Output 259.85 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) UA Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.139 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34426800855616535 % Calculated
not available Output 15.992 % Calculated
not available Output 106.51 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2086E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0429 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.3 % Calculated
not available Output 1037.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.016336 % Calculated
not available Output 0.48002 % Calculated
not available Output 1.808E-14 % Calculated
not available Output 141.91 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 75132.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) NL Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 181.44 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 301.44 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) NO Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 33.984 % Calculated
not available Output 281.57 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 552.43 % Calculated
not available Output 19.298 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3787 % Calculated
not available Output 69.21 % Calculated
not available Output 215.76 % Calculated
not available Output 8.711E-13 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 15.998 % Calculated
not available Output 4058.9648118199793 % Calculated
not available Output 7736.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 17.0387771287493 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0106 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34531 % Calculated
not available Output 21.606 % Calculated
not available Output 202.86 % Calculated
not available Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0562 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6909 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 199.75 % Calculated
not available Output 16.706 % Calculated
not available Output 38.738 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4876 % Calculated
not available Output 347.33 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 79.095 % Calculated
not available Output 114060.0 % Calculated
not available Output 105.93 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) PL Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.0848 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2941E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 206.55 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) PT Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2995E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 123.49 % Calculated
not available Output 13.866 % Calculated
not available Output 227.03 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49222 % Calculated
not available Output 33175.97305971487 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83512 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0299 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3481 % Calculated
not available Output 25.231 % Calculated
not available Output 2288.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.45162 % Calculated
not available Output 4482.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.21315 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 28.88491274661666 % Calculated
not available Output 16.574 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 7.47862628024277E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.022834 % Calculated
not available Output 944.8432609493652 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1776 % Calculated
not available Output 0.22762 % Calculated
not available Output 57748.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.2584 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6751 % Calculated
not available Output 65.201 % Calculated
not available Output 0.55189 % Calculated
not available Output 0.019688 % Calculated
not available Output 33.939 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 28.794 % Calculated
not available Output 4.449 % Calculated
not available Output 27.91008292544825 % Calculated
not available Output 143.35416561027336 % Calculated
not available Output 21.275 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1164 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 1.705 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2721 % Calculated
not available Output 27.80611908286212 % Calculated
not available Output 18955.0 % Calculated
not available Output 21.168 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) LV Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) LU Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) LT Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.0991931979124932E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2842E-20 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) MD Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3817.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.5249330399885018E-17 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) MK Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 12657.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.022828 % Calculated
not available Output 48.916 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) ES Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 45.711 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.398E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 13.045 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2455 % Calculated
not available Output 7344.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) FI Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1689.2 % Calculated
not available Output 2.3811 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 1626.0688063366833 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1196.4771122787383 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) FR Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1075.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4248.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2003 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49428490902330197 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) GB Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 764.1 % Calculated
not available Output 6999.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83828 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) GR Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 513.1042026334452 % Calculated
not available Output 50161.0 % Calculated
not available Output 11610.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16348 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.5 % Calculated
not available Output 16.762 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) HR Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.4446 % Calculated
not available Output 30757.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24913 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) HU Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 265.48 % Calculated
not available Output 4705.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1817.5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 27049.47608091963 % Calculated
not available Output 5.5449 % Calculated
not available Output 20.943 % Calculated
not available Output 1382.4 % Calculated
not available Output 437.98 % Calculated
not available Output 238451.7354820019 % Calculated
not available Output 2354.4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) IE Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 17.466 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7601E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 31.695 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) IT Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0986 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 19.943180854607306 % Calculated
not available Output 0.064154 % Calculated
not available Output 69.359 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) AT Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4059 % Calculated
not available Output 5462.3 % Calculated
not available Output 271.76 % Calculated
not available Output 16.354 % Calculated
not available Output 20.602 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16097 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) BA Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) BE Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4035 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) BG Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0106 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4859 % Calculated
not available Output 11.471 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088478 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 55.779 % Calculated
not available Output 0.64108 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 4740.144065793249 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 15.307 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7672 % Calculated
not available Output 29984.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 204.5593640711217 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) BY Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4625E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3771 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1709.9914590160652 % Calculated
not available Output 79.085 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) CH Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 275.47 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) CS Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) CZ Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5704.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.070295 % Calculated
not available Output 5.7452 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 0.0050755 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) DE Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) DK Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0081558 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.88876 % Calculated
not available Output 17.039 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 898.87 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) EE Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.67993 % Calculated
not available Output 0.97297 % Calculated
not available Output 52.224 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0103 % Calculated
not available Output 404.44 % Calculated
not available Output 956.72 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12151 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9041 % Calculated
not available Output 7697.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.66725 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0643 % Calculated
not available Output 0.4049 % Calculated
not available Output 182990.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4112 % Calculated
not available Output 0.74728 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4.7248 % Calculated
not available Output 9.3957E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6585 % Calculated
not available Output 797.6442286215132 % Calculated
not available Output 765.52 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5102E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 2935.196064320285 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4470.2502197712665 % Calculated
not available Output 0.83436 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0010454 % Calculated
not available Output 57.801 % Calculated
not available Output 7.8052 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1824 % Calculated
not available Output 537.96 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8677 % Calculated
not available Output 0.40036 % Calculated
not available Output 19.291 % Calculated
not available Output 43.098 % Calculated
not available Output 0.13407 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4863 % Calculated
not available Output 11.956 % Calculated
not available Output 0.025452 % Calculated
not available Output 132.86 % Calculated
not available Output 0.45943 % Calculated
not available Output 20.602 % Calculated
not available Output 0.077556 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 70.999 % Calculated
not available Output 48100.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.0653E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 23772.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1144.7 % Calculated
not available Output 301.44 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) AL Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 55380.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4588 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30217 % Calculated
not available Output 44.656 % Calculated
not available Output 21.879 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 177087.28968187515 % Calculated
not available Output 5462.3 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 20.361 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8771 % Calculated
not available Output 7.513617476334719E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 23772.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2498.734156531005 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30601 % Calculated
not available Output 7.147E-30 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 628.0322758884029 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 46.47592828149169 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4410.5 % Calculated
not available Output 17.365 % Calculated
not available Output 219.47 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1131 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1999.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1718 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 39.891 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4241 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3622 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.41978 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5416 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34460135194267316 % Calculated
not available Output 28.785 % Calculated
not available Output 581.17 % Calculated
not available Output 4450.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8653 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1674 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9234 % Calculated
not available Output 1.705 % Calculated
not available Output 6631.4 % Calculated
not available Output 21.506 % Calculated
not available Output 38.467 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2127 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2463 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16167 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30424 % Calculated
not available Output 3.9475E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 103.09 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 335.57 % Calculated
not available Output 105.93 % Calculated
not available Output 67.654 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0348 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4993 % Calculated
not available Output 165.96 % Calculated
not available Output 21.475 % Calculated
not available Output 265.48 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3009 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76369 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 11.212 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8712E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2165 % Calculated
not available Output 606.91 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 158.51 % Calculated
not available Output 40.239 % Calculated
not available Output 0.062793 % Calculated
not available Output 35.82 % Calculated
not available Output 2459.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.36303 % Calculated
not available Output 154.44 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 49.558 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 138.67 % Calculated
not available Output 0.36257 % Calculated
not available Output 14229.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.05657 % Calculated
not available Output 0.00186 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016109 % Calculated
not available Output 375.32 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0596 % Calculated
not available Output 0.019688 % Calculated
not available Output 9667.448966812985 % Calculated
not available Output 3210.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.069406 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3186 % Calculated
not available Output 3.929E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 0.968 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 35.749 % Calculated
not available Output 962.82 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 4.452235344870308E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 13800.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 23429.21784559528 % Calculated
not available Output 165.9 % Calculated
not available Output 1171.6 % Calculated
not available Output 36098.0 % Calculated
not available Output 60.281 % Calculated
not available Output 6316.008526137004 % Calculated
not available Output 21.038 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1164 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 24.533951453131785 % Calculated
not available Output 791.9 % Calculated
not available Output 12.75 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6457 % Calculated
not available Output 1.612 % Calculated
not available Output 13224.0 % Calculated
not available Output 78.324 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3458.2 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3428 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 68.342 % Calculated
not available Output 30.335 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 1725.8966531404226 % Calculated
not available Output 9.6058 % Calculated
not available Output 1442.20696055064 % Calculated
not available Output 21.606 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 33.984 % Calculated
not available Output 7182.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0018362 % Calculated
not available Output 10.006 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0058894 % Calculated
not available Output 687.33 % Calculated
not available Output 7693.7 % Calculated
not available Output 6.0237 % Calculated
not available Output 0.074547 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0991931979124932E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 11.527 % Calculated
not available Output 9684.963772914325 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3564546711673283E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088478 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 43.33602618374838 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2083 % Calculated
not available Output 0.10228 % Calculated
not available Output 28.226 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2539 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3965 % Calculated
not available Output 0.051747 % Calculated
not available Output 8.8739E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6751 % Calculated
not available Output 22.469 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3481 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3429 % Calculated
not available Output 19.557 % Calculated
not available Output 23.869 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19999 % Calculated
not available Output 2.154E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 79.095 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1166.4 % Calculated
not available Output 16.372 % Calculated
not available Output 19.101 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.037293 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8227 % Calculated
not available Output 0.35618 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4147.520198066774 % Calculated
not available Output 28.53 % Calculated
not available Output 11.947 % Calculated
not available Output 30.578 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.9386 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 161.27 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9904E-19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.886357418817773E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4394 % Calculated
not available Output 64180.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.7265 % Calculated
not available Output 23.08 % Calculated
not available Output 23.618 % Calculated
not available Output 4333.9 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2392 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5674 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 2464.904813447571 % Calculated
not available Output 0.98361 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 2.5634 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.35497 % Calculated
not available Output 150.55 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 1659.5122139814162 % Calculated
not available Output 684.55 % Calculated
not available Output 0.011063 % Calculated
not available Output 1849.7 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5674 % Calculated
not available Output 1.446 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4876 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 2427.5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 77.524 % Calculated
not available Output 0.94629 % Calculated
not available Output 0.75601 % Calculated
not available Output 6.5733 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6561 % Calculated
not available Output 155.61 % Calculated
not available Output 10.318 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31426 % Calculated
not available Output 261.48 % Calculated
not available Output 280.65 % Calculated
not available Output 76.681 % Calculated
not available Output 40.202 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.039417 % Calculated
not available Output 1100.5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.9006E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 71480.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks AL Output 116.25 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 20.361 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24979 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4446 % Calculated
not available Output 21.086 % Calculated
not available Output 51.67528014780824 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks AT Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0038719 % Calculated
not available Output 17.104 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9041 % Calculated
not available Output 35.056 % Calculated
not available Output 0.011063 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.37914 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0163 % Calculated
not available Output 1740.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2849E-7 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4776 % Calculated
not available Output 57.545 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9868 % Calculated
not available Output 202.39 % Calculated
not available Output 226.79 % Calculated
not available Output 21.169 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks CS Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 218.47 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4776 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 6164.338557818713 % Calculated
not available Output 748.29 % Calculated
not available Output 135.8 % Calculated
not available Output 92141.3463001262 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks CZ Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.038197 % Calculated
not available Output 8.1097 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 782.46 % Calculated
not available Output 35.89 % Calculated
not available Output 7819.318488526504 % Calculated
not available Output 0.54141 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2947E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.075508 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks CH Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 26.036 % Calculated
not available Output 81592.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks BY Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2867E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 18.707 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks BA Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 37.924 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0205 % Calculated
not available Output 141.91 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks BE Output 116.25 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks BG Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1131 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks ES Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19023 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1188.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2212E-19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks EE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 2905.457742306401 % Calculated
not available Output 9684.963772914325 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2537 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8463E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30601 % Calculated
not available Output 0.069406 % Calculated
not available Output 2.232 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26256.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks DE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 19.393 % Calculated
not available Output 44.248 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0892E-7 % Calculated
not available Output 22287.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks DK Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30217 % Calculated
not available Output 181.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6067.4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks GR Output 116.25 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks GB Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 1075.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024822 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 2.0426282039890724E-19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks FR Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.14779 % Calculated
not available Output 0.13314 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2665E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 14.293 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2491 % Calculated
not available Output 16.573 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 17580.0 % Calculated
not available Output 52.021 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks FI Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 2074.525969461307 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks IT Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2781 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1811E-33 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15768 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 2108.50157459411 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3844E-4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks IE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 49424.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9753E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 893.8117049484325 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7093 % Calculated
not available Output 2288.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.023709 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0009 % Calculated
not available Output 1195.8063362961273 % Calculated
not available Output 490.32 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks HU Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 91.679 % Calculated
not available Output 0.78927 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.025452 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 139.87 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks HR Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7243 % Calculated
not available Output 126.13 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 44.248 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11231 % Calculated
not available Output 125.66 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1710.725551638173 % Calculated
not available Output 23.637 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 280.65 % Calculated
not available Output 63.973 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5718 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28381 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1536E-19 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 12274.013470217462 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5343 % Calculated
not available Output 6067.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0091653 % Calculated
not available Output 7621.3 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1902E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2499 % Calculated
not available Output 49118.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks MK Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 80.995 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6311.78472154855 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 150.93 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5982 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0975 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks MD Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 30.929 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 1848.895316685864 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 39.934 % Calculated
not available Output 27.91008292544825 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks LT Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 756.43 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.8410675842586266E-17 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks LV Output 116.25 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks LU Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4148 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7284 % Calculated
not available Output 6.470692433736435E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92256 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4930492687392309E-16 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 56.438 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6619.1 % Calculated
not available Output 21.959 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3541 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79649 % Calculated
not available Output 1179.8 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 7.8309E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1388 % Calculated
not available Output 0.085874 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 342796.23307223007 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10810.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks NO Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 2.302 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks NL Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3632 % Calculated
not available Output 4705.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1354 % Calculated
not available Output 6.4132 % Calculated
not available Output 2.024 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0057939 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0034021 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2034 % Calculated
not available Output 322.14 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6461 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26453.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1072.5 % Calculated
not available Output 61.458 % Calculated
not available Output 42.857 % Calculated
not available Output 14.582 % Calculated
not available Output 10.723 % Calculated
not available Output 1913.4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks PL Output 116.25 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 5657.187703140008 % Calculated
not available Output 51951.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.719 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks PT Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3664 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0975 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7725.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0636 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 177087.28968187515 % Calculated
not available Output 165.89 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 243.78 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9912 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks SE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30424 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2573 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1745E-11 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 64156.89851832929 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks SK Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9773E-11 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks SI Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 25.006 % Calculated
not available Output 333.74746533222674 % Calculated
not available Output 23.09 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks RO Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 238451.7354820019 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.7921 % Calculated
not available Output 0.164 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks RU Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.94629 % Calculated
not available Output 581.17 % Calculated
not available Output 8.9127 % Calculated
not available Output 48124.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4633 % Calculated
not available Output 112.45 % Calculated
not available Output 71.956 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 2417.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks UA Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 55380.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 43.33602618374838 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 3.2721 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3853 % Calculated
not available Output 2464.904813447571 % Calculated
not available Output 34.271 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.64108 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0075347 % Calculated
not available Output 313.13 % Calculated
not available Output 11.642 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9486 % Calculated
not available Output 31.648 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.28582 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2944 % Calculated
not available Output 6.0839 % Calculated
not available Output 462.73 % Calculated
not available Output 36.793 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4781 % Calculated
not available Output 9.6092 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 4.3564546711673283E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4767 % Calculated
not available Output 34.472 % Calculated
not available Output 203.68097632297562 % Calculated
not available Output 22.359 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 15.261 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088997 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 10.652 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1402.8 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3215 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1153 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4885 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0691 % Calculated
not available Output 5271.2 % Calculated
not available Output 22.397 % Calculated
not available Output 133.28 % Calculated
not available Output 4775.290751488173 % Calculated
not available Output 1530.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3652E-15 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 893.8117049484325 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0662E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 308.14 % Calculated
not available Output 3.201E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 16.281 % Calculated
not available Output 0.10197 % Calculated
not available Output 215.74 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 2905.457742306401 % Calculated
not available Output 0.038807 % Calculated
not available Output 0.025738 % Calculated
not available Output 939.57 % Calculated
not available Output 0.32225 % Calculated
not available Output 0.40529 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4178E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 17580.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1832.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024775 % Calculated
not available Output 0.38897 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1441.342024998017 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8104 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8146 % Calculated
not available Output 22.279 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4067E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2322 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8071 % Calculated
not available Output 10.726 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1626E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1195.8063362961273 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 63.728 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2272.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3231 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12824 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16358 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 893.8117049484323 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6652 % Calculated
not available Output 47.968 % Calculated
not available Output 160.93 % Calculated
not available Output 42.47 % Calculated
not available Output 52372.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 29.047 % Calculated
not available Output 77.524 % Calculated
not available Output 14.939 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8063E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15894 % Calculated
not available Output 1802.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 0.10719 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0059 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9313 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0511 % Calculated
not available Output 135050.0 % Calculated
not available Output 22.299 % Calculated
not available Output 156.99 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76048 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 282.74 % Calculated
not available Output 6110.1 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7248 % Calculated
not available Output 0.87184 % Calculated
not available Output 286.17 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 156.99 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1164 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2124 % Calculated
not available Output 0.56477 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5186 % Calculated
not available Output 25.76 % Calculated
not available Output 418.37 % Calculated
not available Output 2.024 % Calculated
not available Output 86.08008602421901 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.082442 % Calculated
not available Output 2272.7 % Calculated
not available Output 544.85 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 153.81 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9549E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4111 % Calculated
not available Output 5799.2 % Calculated
not available Output 3.852E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.96323 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2393E-25 % Calculated
not available Output 33.939 % Calculated
not available Output 297.09 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1475E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 182990.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1528.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.55778 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 1659.5122139814162 % Calculated
not available Output 114060.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4981 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 1.047 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 11241.503548316956 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 1848.895316685864 % Calculated
not available Output 58.403 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1711 % Calculated
not available Output 15.559 % Calculated
not available Output 75.537 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76405 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0017825 % Calculated
not available Output 7.7825 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 26.065 % Calculated
not available Output 7530.9 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1296E-37 % Calculated
not available Output 1488.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16348 % Calculated
not available Output 64057.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1953 % Calculated
not available Output 269.69 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1186E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 6166.6 % Calculated
not available Output 7.3255 % Calculated
not available Output 329.79 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12166 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9819 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.88373 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2817 % Calculated
not available Output 219.21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9549E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.60451 % Calculated
not available Output 27.964 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 238177.22384743087 % Calculated
not available Output 304.98 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016211 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 180.09 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0348 % Calculated
not available Output 2.6415 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 27.803 % Calculated
not available Output 613.4 % Calculated
not available Output 2.17 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.070502 % Calculated
not available Output 544.86 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1397 % Calculated
not available Output 1396.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 427.17 % Calculated
not available Output 13.644 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6149 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9018E-22 % Calculated
not available Output 15.559 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0075712 % Calculated
not available Output 1382.4 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2564 % Calculated
not available Output 29.907 % Calculated
not available Output 109.71 % Calculated
not available Output 1721.9738500355115 % Calculated
not available Output 51.718 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1529.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28794 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 2905.457742306401 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4457 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 141.36 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0907E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 0.066737 % Calculated
not available Output 15.992 % Calculated
not available Output 0.68124 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31431 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4267 % Calculated
not available Output 253.75 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4.8369 % Calculated
not available Output 24.089 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19486 % Calculated
not available Output 55.104 % Calculated
not available Output 1439.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 20.494 % Calculated
not available Output 23.637 % Calculated
not available Output 26.885 % Calculated
not available Output 145.05 % Calculated
not available Output 909.1832123770034 % Calculated
not available Output 73.927 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 2493.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1090.1 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 6164.3385578187135 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 188.13 % Calculated
not available Output 0.059298 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1979 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 92141.3463001262 % Calculated
not available Output 0.94161 % Calculated
not available Output 0.44216 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.129 % Calculated
not available Output 832.55 % Calculated
not available Output 11.132 % Calculated
not available Output 1999.3390668614907 % Calculated
not available Output 18.433 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1708 % Calculated
not available Output 0.4278 % Calculated
not available Output 0.93075 % Calculated
not available Output 602.72 % Calculated
not available Output 39348.0 % Calculated
not available Output 156.64 % Calculated
not available Output 0.35618 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5876 % Calculated
not available Output 0.6184 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 0.36274 % Calculated
not available Output 1527.1 % Calculated
not available Output 6790.0 % Calculated
not available Output 31.723 % Calculated
not available Output 3671.4 % Calculated
not available Output 16.859 % Calculated
not available Output 33.779 % Calculated
not available Output 0.37455 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 59003.0 % Calculated
not available Output 72.87185796305965 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5313 % Calculated
not available Output 0.04447 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0095381 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 2002.7459790176754 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 260.5 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2322 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 617.3705322217661 % Calculated
not available Output 5.9634 % Calculated
not available Output 17.798 % Calculated
not available Output 22.42 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 49.535 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 156.99 % Calculated
not available Output 0.092337 % Calculated
not available Output 24.089 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4359E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 23647.0 % Calculated
not available Output 623.12 % Calculated
not available Output 2616.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 21.012 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2262E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4767 % Calculated
not available Output 2290400.0 % Calculated
not available Output 282.81 % Calculated
not available Output 4.332001250025555E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 2.156E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1287 % Calculated
not available Output 13.917 % Calculated
not available Output 174870.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 674494.7621301207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.67993 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 2493.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.3163 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5782E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 16.799 % Calculated
not available Output 134.3 % Calculated
not available Output 0.8194 % Calculated
not available Output 1.937E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 46.47592828149169 % Calculated
not available Output 5271.2 % Calculated
not available Output 27780.0 % Calculated
not available Output 19.762 % Calculated
not available Output 20.687 % Calculated
not available Output 6386.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28794 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3771 % Calculated
not available Output 204.91 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.9068407199725562E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 46.47592828149169 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 260.5 % Calculated
not available Output 17.684 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1328 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0054 % Calculated
not available Output 1718.6142265293195 % Calculated
not available Output 861.86 % Calculated
not available Output 4032.7 % Calculated
not available Output 72641.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3364 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3591 % Calculated
not available Output 0.74232 % Calculated
not available Output 7829.439777311817 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0087654 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9688 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 618.9529355888297 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4243 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0164 % Calculated
not available Output 456.68 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3201E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4373E-31 % Calculated
not available Output 6.6037 % Calculated
not available Output 1090.1 % Calculated
not available Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0691 % Calculated
not available Output 26.365 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8436E-10 % Calculated
not available Output 250.72 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 180.52 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2078E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 474.76 % Calculated
not available Output 180.04 % Calculated
not available Output 53.254 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13934.093560547464 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4767 % Calculated
not available Output 0.67993 % Calculated
not available Output 15.989 % Calculated
not available Output 703.51 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 261.76 % Calculated
not available Output 7.0893 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4255.1 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 198.35 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5955 % Calculated
not available Output 1818.5 % Calculated
not available Output 153.21 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8122E-7 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1.5849 % Calculated
not available Output 29826.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7759.2 % Calculated
not available Output 215.76 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 20.687 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5805 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3613 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9007 % Calculated
not available Output 3934.9838322600826 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 204.5593640711217 % Calculated
not available Output 0.29297 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1459.8 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 2935.196064320285 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 301.44 % Calculated
not available Output 4350.8 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 30.225 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0732 % Calculated
not available Output 73802.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7093 % Calculated
not available Output 8.202 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5876 % Calculated
not available Output 4268.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1874 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16097 % Calculated
not available Output 21.475 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0027423 % Calculated
not available Output 0.085874 % Calculated
not available Output 29984.0 % Calculated
not available Output 922.48 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 34.472 % Calculated
not available Output 213.73 % Calculated
not available Output 22329.44913725331 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0511 % Calculated
not available Output 40.239 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1388 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5072 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 893.8117049484325 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4813 % Calculated
not available Output 740.28 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6974E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 408.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
not available Output 27.803 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.47569 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2984 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9787 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 134.42 % Calculated
not available Output 33175.97305971487 % Calculated
not available Output 26117.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3902E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 141.39 % Calculated
not available Output 18955.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.34838 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 219.47 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7678 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12693 % Calculated
not available Output 0.91676 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1028 % Calculated
not available Output 19.887271446578406 % Calculated
not available Output 1384.7 % Calculated
not available Output 5.7892 % Calculated
not available Output 27.258 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 253.02 % Calculated
not available Output 15.993 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3739 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2214 % Calculated
not available Output 297.09 % Calculated
not available Output 16.508 % Calculated
not available Output 24.533951453131785 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 909.1832123770034 % Calculated
not available Output 110.99 % Calculated
not available Output 6999.2 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.44216 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2633 % Calculated
not available Output 0.32225 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2132.7 % Calculated
not available Output 2506.9500453314813 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2014.102352871623 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.707 % Calculated
not available Output 832.31 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2476.6 % Calculated
not available Output 971.47 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 24.53395145313178 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0018702 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11361 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 89339.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 254.15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016211 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 965.21 % Calculated
not available Output 32.028 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 617.3705322217661 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1646 % Calculated
not available Output 791.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 952.2972968312423 % Calculated
not available Output 43.699 % Calculated
not available Output 2935.196064320285 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 26453.0 % Calculated
not available Output 19.101 % Calculated
not available Output 4241.1 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 4288.011146842272 % Calculated
not available Output 7603.8 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 674494.7621301207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7157E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.1424 % Calculated
not available Output 21.169 % Calculated
not available Output 0.79648 % Calculated
not available Output 0.32074 % Calculated
not available Output 1311.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2928 % Calculated
not available Output 115.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 36230.0 % Calculated
not available Output 108.08 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92257 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
not available Output 448.79 % Calculated
not available Output 13934.093560547464 % Calculated
not available Output 209.47 % Calculated
not available Output 0.54141 % Calculated
not available Output 4292.056597623994 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7530.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 22.646 % Calculated
not available Output 206.55 % Calculated
not available Output 6388.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 203.20799830474309 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 5657.187703140008 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2386 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5634 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12694 % Calculated
not available Output 23.637 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19999 % Calculated
not available Output 1284.7101821694387 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5674 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2723 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4523 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.355 % Calculated
not available Output 0.22613 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 4283.965696060551 % Calculated
not available Output 40.34680171844823 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4981 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 2.7598E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 45.711 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.88876 % Calculated
not available Output 764.1 % Calculated
not available Output 37.365 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2129 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7685 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 0.0043676 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.34426800855616535 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7727E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.023709 % Calculated
not available Output 26.885 % Calculated
not available Output 28.628 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 1441.342024998017 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 27.91008292544825 % Calculated
not available Output 7299.9 % Calculated
not available Output 138.67 % Calculated
not available Output 261.48 % Calculated
not available Output 794.37 % Calculated
not available Output 202.2 % Calculated
not available Output 61.834 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 2534.5 % Calculated
not available Output 27.702155240275985 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3215 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7757 % Calculated
not available Output 21.699 % Calculated
not available Output 0.087289 % Calculated
not available Output 53.536 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8712E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5422E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 17.0387771287493 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 86.08008602421901 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 93.766 % Calculated
not available Output 81.547 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.12694 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 23.638 % Calculated
not available Output 0.23957 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7184E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 861.86 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0515 % Calculated
not available Output 2.7679 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 21.054 % Calculated
not available Output 13.496 % Calculated
not available Output 1.389E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 4703.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 342796.23307223 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 52213.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3231 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8044 % Calculated
not available Output 13224.0 % Calculated
not available Output 19.926408032198633 % Calculated
not available Output 86.08008602421901 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 2108.50157459411 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088997 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0376 % Calculated
not available Output 7.053900825124722E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 2074.5259694613073 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7603.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.2515 % Calculated
not available Output 204.5593640711217 % Calculated
not available Output 1407.3 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 68.25546277139645 % Calculated
not available Output 278.32 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3408 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 30.139593719085287 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 2014.102352871623 % Calculated
not available Output 26.187 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5942 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.9068407199725562E-16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.022828 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7536 % Calculated
not available Output 446910.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1166.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3149 % Calculated
not available Output 0.066429 % Calculated
not available Output 24.067 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24557 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 3940.083012503185 % Calculated
not available Output 0.49693 % Calculated
not available Output 38420.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5344 % Calculated
not available Output 218.41 % Calculated
not available Output 1332.4 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4681 % Calculated
not available Output 8.4681 % Calculated
not available Output 304.98 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2241.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 4288.011146842272 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1382.4 % Calculated
not available Output 8.516 % Calculated
not available Output 0.54393 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 6.5443 % Calculated
not available Output 44.656 % Calculated
not available Output 0.082398 % Calculated
not available Output 0.7239 % Calculated
not available Output 273.07 % Calculated
not available Output 134.9 % Calculated
not available Output 1725.8966531404233 % Calculated
not available Output 0.68124 % Calculated
not available Output 8.3589 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1535.6562118051795 % Calculated
not available Output 0.060559 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1643 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6735 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4756.9 % Calculated
not available Output 4233.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1626.0688063366833 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15063 % Calculated
not available Output 203.68097632297562 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.947 % Calculated
not available Output 1999.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.7265 % Calculated
not available Output 3.8377 % Calculated
not available Output 2418.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5941 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 19.887271446578406 % Calculated
not available Output 89.153 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6999E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 64156.89851832929 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0062E-15 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 169.07 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5386 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3574 % Calculated
not available Output 4.7244 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3142 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.609 % Calculated
not available Output 0.067533 % Calculated
not available Output 250.1 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6096 % Calculated
not available Output 153.06 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15887 % Calculated
not available Output 1384.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0016211 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8611 % Calculated
not available Output 4305.3 % Calculated
not available Output 782.46 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 0.0043676 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 4.1903 % Calculated
not available Output 15.261 % Calculated
not available Output 0.44748 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9808E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 31.37 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.022833 % Calculated
not available Output 191.89 % Calculated
not available Output 77.524 % Calculated
not available Output 1173.3 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 48100.0 % Calculated
not available Output 23.516 % Calculated
not available Output 2210.717290783527 % Calculated
not available Output 289.41 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1254 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 4.7248 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3186 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 630.046518675329 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 15.092 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.84397 % Calculated
not available Output 83.33 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19999 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0054754 % Calculated
not available Output 273.24 % Calculated
not available Output 0.067146 % Calculated
not available Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 39.448 % Calculated
not available Output 609.66 % Calculated
not available Output 684.55 % Calculated
not available Output 0.12028 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 2.1967 % Calculated
not available Output 13917.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4254 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4729 % Calculated
not available Output 13.866 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.5 % Calculated
not available Output 25.231 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 1.4817 % Calculated
not available Output 0.91833 % Calculated
not available Output 797.6442286215132 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1505.1 % Calculated
not available Output 14667.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4879 % Calculated
not available Output 10.52 % Calculated
not available Output 63.254 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2894 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 90.665 % Calculated
not available Output 6.7731 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2054 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 16.151 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 375.32 % Calculated
not available Output 22.071 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2237 % Calculated
not available Output 7.4993 % Calculated
not available Output 0.47203 % Calculated
not available Output 4543.8 % Calculated
not available Output 20.687 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0039E-26 % Calculated
not available Output 1.446 % Calculated
not available Output 335.57 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 2.156E-9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 2607.6 % Calculated
not available Output 13.804 % Calculated
not available Output 1.031 % Calculated
not available Output 27.437 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8013 % Calculated
not available Output 851.51 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7416 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6925E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2655 % Calculated
not available Output 2.03 % Calculated
not available Output 275.01 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3439346651696575 % Calculated
not available Output 0.74956 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 27.702155240275985 % Calculated
not available Output 839.48 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4.3492 % Calculated
not available Output 0.58953 % Calculated
not available Output 0.56583 % Calculated
not available Output 11.956 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 17.095 % Calculated
not available Output 110.79 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.8639 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.28008 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5002 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0091653 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 4.4789 % Calculated
not available Output 126.71 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.3481 % Calculated
not available Output 0.14178 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 22.42 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088478 % Calculated
not available Output 11.212 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 1194.2411923367024 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5742E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 19.252 % Calculated
not available Output 30.081 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1287 % Calculated
not available Output 39.919 % Calculated
not available Output 108.08 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1891 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 21.086 % Calculated
not available Output 898.87 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2108 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 3.2386 % Calculated
not available Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 575.12 % Calculated
not available Output 6748.8 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2821 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2858 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5704.3 % Calculated
not available Output 588.29 % Calculated
not available Output 38.741 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24084 % Calculated
not available Output 2.276 % Calculated
not available Output 2.066 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 33.779 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.022833 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0817 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2028E-11 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 30.16996657803469 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 2125.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1037.6 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 0.12693 % Calculated
not available Output 75.039 % Calculated
not available Output 4595.3 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1856 % Calculated
not available Output 31.043 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.3 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.947 % Calculated
not available Output 3.457E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5416 % Calculated
not available Output 12.503 % Calculated
not available Output 20.602 % Calculated
not available Output 0.03899 % Calculated
not available Output 150.55 % Calculated
not available Output 0.8839 % Calculated
not available Output 901.07 % Calculated
not available Output 66.646 % Calculated
not available Output 40.899 % Calculated
not available Output 261.48 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 163.05 % Calculated
not available Output 387.88 % Calculated
not available Output 2784.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.49 % Calculated
not available Output 14505.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 92141.3463001262 % Calculated
not available Output 152190.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0376 % Calculated
not available Output 0.99571 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0059 % Calculated
not available Output 227.03 % Calculated
not available Output 604.13 % Calculated
not available Output 0.019879 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1.5722 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.96399 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.12694 % Calculated
not available Output 108.43 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 1194.2411923367024 % Calculated
not available Output 6.5308E-24 % Calculated
not available Output 4595.3 % Calculated
not available Output 26.185 % Calculated
not available Output 9658.017917373805 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0977 % Calculated
not available Output 29826.0 % Calculated
not available Output 34.433 % Calculated
not available Output 7603.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 174.89 % Calculated
not available Output 65.387 % Calculated
not available Output 31.043 % Calculated
not available Output 17.722 % Calculated
not available Output 11.148 % Calculated
not available Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 68.25546277139645 % Calculated
not available Output 0.15894 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3596E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1041E-6 % Calculated
not available Output 22.571 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 113.23 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 58.72 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5674 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.56423 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26732.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0219 % Calculated
not available Output 22.42 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 4351.936148782046 % Calculated
not available Output 44679.0 % Calculated
not available Output 304.88 % Calculated
not available Output 180.04 % Calculated
not available Output 8.9111 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6383 % Calculated
not available Output 134.73 % Calculated
not available Output 73.929 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8778 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 795.7333426635905 % Calculated
not available Output 0.24979 % Calculated
not available Output 25.99 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 14367.0 % Calculated
not available Output 645.63 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9083 % Calculated
not available Output 333.3199908095818 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9586 % Calculated
not available Output 83.942 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0020995 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6733E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6629 % Calculated
not available Output 6.8063 % Calculated
not available Output 2934.9 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9656 % Calculated
not available Output 1273.6 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0618 % Calculated
not available Output 9.472E-14 % Calculated
not available Output 4147.520198066774 % Calculated
not available Output 0.73484 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 21.086 % Calculated
not available Output 282.81 % Calculated
not available Output 0.22421 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0118 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9234 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 2935.196064320285 % Calculated
not available Output 3.488 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 7417.2 % Calculated
not available Output 2.066 % Calculated
not available Output 261.48 % Calculated
not available Output 623.12 % Calculated
not available Output 9.0637 % Calculated
not available Output 656.236240011891 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2018.0279160859156 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 797.6442286215132 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2975E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1897 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1.6592 % Calculated
not available Output 2320.5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 0.082379 % Calculated
not available Output 0.085874 % Calculated
not available Output 278.32 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.6538E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 2890.3 % Calculated
not available Output 73.929 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0522E-22 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3566 % Calculated
not available Output 24.067 % Calculated
not available Output 127.32 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4772 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4351.936148782046 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0951 % Calculated
not available Output 1710.725551638173 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2975 % Calculated
not available Output 0.5716 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2047E-18 % Calculated
not available Output 8.5617 % Calculated
not available Output 1.355 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0407E-13 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 83.837 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 793.8224567056676 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4845E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 2074.5259694613073 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4874 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2172.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.040934 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 628.4971011469244 % Calculated
not available Output 11.132 % Calculated
not available Output 19.99909026263621 % Calculated
not available Output 1913.4 % Calculated
not available Output 135.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27189 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9787 % Calculated
not available Output 14.26 % Calculated
not available Output 185.65 % Calculated
not available Output 86.07566244704505 % Calculated
not available Output 960.61 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3302E-15 % Calculated
not available Output 0.089022 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8677 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 262.04 % Calculated
not available Output 295920.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 23429.217845595278 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6633.8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1739E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available SK Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 90.723 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5819 % Calculated
not available SI Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 93.081 % Calculated
not available Output 46.565 % Calculated
not available Output 0.63914 % Calculated
not available SE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 68.689 % Calculated
not available Output 639.65 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7088E-4 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 0.36597 % Calculated
not available Output 1290.7 % Calculated
not available Output 182610.0 % Calculated
not available Output 831.51 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.6707 % Calculated
not available Output 282.81 % Calculated
not available RU Output 116.25 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 1198.7130322207745 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34846 % Calculated
not available Output 2.9561 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1874 % Calculated
not available Output 156.64 % Calculated
not available Output 18194.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5390.9 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 901.16 % Calculated
not available Output 205.51 % Calculated
not available RO Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.32289 % Calculated
not available Output 18.624 % Calculated
not available Output 14.26 % Calculated
not available Output 93.109 % Calculated
not available Output 17.004 % Calculated
not available Output 0.025925 % Calculated
not available Output 0.14179 % Calculated
not available Output 944.843260949365 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 935.38 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 626.9476836185197 % Calculated
not available UA Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 674494.7621301207 % Calculated
not available Output 0.76444 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2427 % Calculated
not available Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 13.367 % Calculated
not available Output 10.723 % Calculated
not available Output 37.051 % Calculated
not available Output 5.8937 % Calculated
not available Output 66771.0 % Calculated
not available Output 16.136 % Calculated
not available Output 1286.114401664207 % Calculated
not available Output 6.1714 % Calculated
not available Output 22.42 % Calculated
not available Output 4.2314E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.968 % Calculated
not available Output 7.7608E-28 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7304 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1737.9420403923891 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 233.36 % Calculated
not available Output 269.69 % Calculated
not available Output 5.0603 % Calculated
not available Output 53.656 % Calculated
not available NO Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8988E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 18.446 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7.6751 % Calculated
not available Output 13800.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6323.852734658427 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28142 % Calculated
not available NL Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.92045 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 64053.54859244861 % Calculated
not available Output 162.61 % Calculated
not available Output 22.571 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4223 % Calculated
not available Output 0.31082 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 109.65 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4396 % Calculated
not available Output 0.25959 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 51.58 % Calculated
not available Output 0.016112 % Calculated
not available Output 0.47701 % Calculated
not available Output 1.8895 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2434E-8 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 16.372 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 1725.896653140423 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3591 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4776 % Calculated
not available PT Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.074547 % Calculated
not available Output 2538.9 % Calculated
not available PL Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.088486 % Calculated
not available Output 8599.7 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6457 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1728.2131508327248 % Calculated
not available Output 3.7189 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0002 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1533E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 64053.54859244861 % Calculated
not available Output 0.058033 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 322.16 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 153.21 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 899.52 % Calculated
not available Output 8.2929 % Calculated
not available Output 108.5 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.34865 % Calculated
not available Output 15.719 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 289.52 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.024456 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 377.75 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5722 % Calculated
not available Output 552.43 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1288 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 48.701 % Calculated
not available Output 126.75 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0258 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2953E-27 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2395 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4863 % Calculated
not available Output 5.1067E-12 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available MD Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 13.235 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.30424 % Calculated
not available Output 0.019376 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1708.2785762311466 % Calculated
not available MK Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available LT Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11332 % Calculated
not available Output 3433.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 67.142 % Calculated
not available LV Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available LU Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 5.2633 % Calculated
not available Output 126760.0 % Calculated
not available Output 64.853 % Calculated
not available Output 421.01 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2542 % Calculated
not available GR Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0562 % Calculated
not available GB Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 1.765 % Calculated
not available Output 1105.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available FI Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.28794 % Calculated
not available FR Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 594.7 % Calculated
not available Output 289.17 % Calculated
not available Output 227.03 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 309.58 % Calculated
not available Output 0.25104 % Calculated
not available Output 54658.0 % Calculated
not available Output 254.15 % Calculated
not available Output 11.533 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 14667.0 % Calculated
not available IT Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 967.99 % Calculated
not available Output 0.21315 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.3051181223867372E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 1713.1725270452 % Calculated
not available Output 0.45087 % Calculated
not available IE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0013381 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 347.33 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 7821.654170553884 % Calculated
not available Output 55.104 % Calculated
not available Output 840.47 % Calculated
not available HU Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.90203 % Calculated
not available Output 0.025925 % Calculated
not available HR Output 116.25 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.3567E-19 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3566 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2863 % Calculated
not available CH Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 5.076 % Calculated
not available Output 13917.0 % Calculated
not available CS Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.56423 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.6092 % Calculated
not available BY Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0752 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 12.75 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 62.456 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4906 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available BG Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available BE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 18.448 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 6316.008526137004 % Calculated
not available Output 5530.110188853351 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 1.1792 % Calculated
not available AT Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available BA Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available ES Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 3.6711 % Calculated
not available Output 618.4782145787105 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 16.309 % Calculated
not available Output 16.706 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.1254 % Calculated
not available EE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available DK Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 33.984 % Calculated
not available DE Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 24.317 % Calculated
not available Output 7.0236 % Calculated
not available CZ Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.20753 % Calculated
not available Output 0.37419 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2552 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3809 % Calculated
not available Output 1.9467 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1143 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1718E-5 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 427.17 % Calculated
not available Output 24677.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8458.3 % Calculated
not available Output 9.2445E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16167 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.20034 % Calculated
not available Output 162.74 % Calculated
not available Output 901.07 % Calculated
not available Output 22.299 % Calculated
not available Output 2.5437 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3097 % Calculated
not available Output 136.31 % Calculated
not available Output 44679.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0975 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 177087.28968187515 % Calculated
not available Output 4.9313 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 13.21 % Calculated
not available Output 105.13 % Calculated
not available Output 9.6593 % Calculated
not available Output 872.94 % Calculated
not available Output 28.88491274661666 % Calculated
not available Output 0.93075 % Calculated
not available Output 5.899E-15 % Calculated
not available AL Output 116.25 % Calculated
not available Output 1.0829 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4394 % Calculated
not available Output 1.201E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 52419.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 4775.290751488173 % Calculated
not available Output 4092.2 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 1713.1725270452 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0071981 % Calculated
not available Output 0.051747 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 4283.965696060551 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2108 % Calculated
not available Output 4153.7 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8713 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2182E-26 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4906 % Calculated
not available Output 198.35 % Calculated
not available Output 152.59 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 795.1600768762136 % Calculated
not available Output 18.089 % Calculated
not available Output 1223.8 % Calculated
not available Output 994.34 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 5657.187703140008 % Calculated
not available Output 5.4112 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1442.57764721605 % Calculated
not available Output 956.72 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.3232 % Calculated
not available Output 0.71765 % Calculated
not available Output 211.28 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3067 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 105.28 % Calculated
not available Output 0.53025 % Calculated
not available Output 131.43 % Calculated
not available Output 0.051747 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1094.7 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 68.25546277139645 % Calculated
not available Output 6.2395 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0511 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 261.48 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 86.08008602421901 % Calculated
not available Output 151.63 % Calculated
not available Output 5.3079E-24 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 15435.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 92141.3463001262 % Calculated
not available Output 0.056491 % Calculated
not available Output 151.72 % Calculated
not available Output 121.22 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30757.0 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7453E-11 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4531 % Calculated
not available Output 16.643 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 4.8369 % Calculated
not available Output 30.929 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 0.49428490902330185 % Calculated
not available Output 1488.6 % Calculated
not available Output 26.036 % Calculated
not available Output 30.167 % Calculated
not available Output 181.11 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to agricultural soil Output 295.368440375196 % Calculated
not available Output 513.1042026334452 % Calculated
not available Output 1166.4 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34460135194267316 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.35462 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6048 % Calculated
not available Output 0.88876 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to non-urban air or from high stacks Output 620.5353389558935 % Calculated
not available Output 381020.0 % Calculated
not available Output 26.188 % Calculated
not available Output 24.089 % Calculated
not available Output 4065.8 % Calculated
not available Output 7.0893 % Calculated
not available Output 11.132 % Calculated
not available Output 1786.510738350864 % Calculated
not available Output 3.2709E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 169.07 % Calculated
not available Output 7678.7 % Calculated
not available Output 0.54503 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 8.1736 % Calculated
not available Output 42.857 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0020995 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0027423 % Calculated
not available Output 1.6127 % Calculated
not available Output 1.446 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3923 % Calculated
not available Output 2147.6 % Calculated
not available Output 27.964 % Calculated
not available Output 26.189 % Calculated
not available Output 2464.904813447571 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 9.0917E-9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34531 % Calculated
not available Output 10.758 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4267 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4874 % Calculated
not available Output 3.0851 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to soil, unspecified Output 23429.21784559528 % Calculated
not available Output 793.8224567056676 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5933 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4470.2502197712665 % Calculated
not available Output 4286.797511607755 % Calculated
not available Output 0.066981 % Calculated
not available Output 0.53025 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 0.35532 % Calculated
not available Output 90.665 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 104.57 % Calculated
not available Output 3.4775 % Calculated
not available Output 630.046518675329 % Calculated
not available Output 18.429 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 30.024 % Calculated
not available Output 1.4798 % Calculated
not available Output 1505.1 % Calculated
not available Output 0.87184 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to urban air close to ground Output 2010.9875208737565 % Calculated
not available Output 0.67994 % Calculated
not available Output 3.5065 % Calculated
not available Output 0.99071 % Calculated
not available Output 0.19285 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water Output 3263.3274020720564 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0576 % Calculated
not available Output 56.454 % Calculated
not available Output 52599.0 % Calculated
not available Output 28344.0 % Calculated
not available Output 2.1288 % Calculated
not available Output 731.64 % Calculated
not available Output 2464.904813447571 % Calculated
not available Output 0.11231 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.16097 % Calculated
not available Output 6999.2 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1948 % Calculated
not available Output 8.516 % Calculated
not available Output 5530.110188853351 % Calculated
not available Output 185.12 % Calculated
not available Output 1818.5 % Calculated
not available Output 49.535 % Calculated
not available Output 1736.967705181208 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 161.27 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to lower stratosphere and upper troposphere Output 238451.7354820019 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to sea water Output 1.1171034892293964E-17 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 4.6927 % Calculated
not available Output 9.2647 % Calculated
not available Output 1721.9738500355115 % Calculated
not available Output 162.61 % Calculated
not available Output 1.2991E-18 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 1196.4771122787383 % Calculated
not available Output 17.02923210147278 % Calculated
not available Output 129.55 % Calculated
not available Output 0.34846 % Calculated
not available Output 63.728 % Calculated
not available Output 1.5249330399885018E-17 % Calculated
not available Output 1290.7 % Calculated
not available Output 9088.908871018328 % Calculated
not available Output 0.45162 % Calculated
not available Output 19709.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 684.54 % Calculated
not available Output 18952.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4034.9 % Calculated
not available Output 0.77377 % Calculated
not available Output 23.538 % Calculated
not available Output 1443.8132694340832 % Calculated
not available Output 10.052 % Calculated
not available Output 338.79 % Calculated
not available Output 1285.0342328220777 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 665.52 % Calculated
not available Output 0.1929 % Calculated
not available Output 2.8253 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 181190.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.56146 % Calculated
not available Output 308.35 % Calculated
not available Output 11241.503548316956 % Calculated
not available Output 0.44876 % Calculated
not available Output 4756.9 % Calculated
not available Output 148.53 % Calculated
not available Output 16.375 % Calculated
not available Output 4.8902E-20 % Calculated
not available Output 0.90203 % Calculated
not available Output 1.7782 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1979 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to soil / Emissions to non-agricultural soil Output 0.49428490902330197 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 0.27593 % Calculated
not available Output 0.40451 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified Output 27.80611908286212 % Calculated
not available Output 4.3492 % Calculated
not available Output 404.53 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified (long-term) Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 204.5593640711217 % Calculated
not available Output 224.87 % Calculated
not available Output 33.303 % Calculated
not available Output 4.1397 % Calculated
not available Output 2.4602 % Calculated
not available Output 6.3696 % Calculated
not available Output 1488.6 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 40.168 % Calculated
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified Output 2607.6 % Calculated
not available Output 7.3255 % Calculated
not available Output 7.7898E-4 % Calculated
not available Output 7.1979 % Calculated
not available Output 68.25546277139645 % Calculated
not available Output 1.3464E-23 % Calculated
not available Output 537.96 % Calculated
not available Output 50.079 % Calculated
not available Output 19.045 % Calculated
not available Output 26.189 % Calculated
not available Output 2.2699E-21 % Calculated
not available Output 36.142 % Calculated
not available Output 141.95 % Calculated
not available Output 33.782 % Calculated
not available Output 0.25225 % Calculated
not available Output 2.0526E-23 % Calculated
not available Output 20.687 % Calculated
not available Output 3.3219 % Calculated
not available Output 67.41 % Calculated
not available Output 304.88 % Calculated
not available Output 1.49 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 4.5805 % Calculated
not available Output 0.4278 % Calculated
not available Output 4812.2 % Calculated
not available Output 28.794 % Calculated
not available Output 0.0 % Calculated
not available Output 5.9634 % Calculated
not available Output 117.39 % Calculated
not available Output 3.1948 % Calculated