Data set information
sodium methylarsonate
Ansar 170;Ansar 170L;Ansar 529;Ansar 529 HC;Ansar 6.6;Arsonic acid, methyl-, monosodium salt;Asazol;Bueno;Bueno 6;Daconate;Daconate 6;Dal-E-Rad;Dal-E-Rad 120;Drexar;Gepiron;Herb-All;Herban M;MSMA;Merge;Merge 823;Mesamate;Mesamate H.C;Mesamate H.C.;Mesamate concentrate;Mesamate-400;Mesamate-600;Methanearsonic acid, monosodium salt;Methylarsenic acid, sodium salt;Methylarsonat monosodny;Methylarsonic acid, sodium salt;Monate;Monex;Monoban;Monomethylarsonic acid sodium salt;Monosodium acid methanearsonate;Monosodium acid metharsonate;Monosodium methane arsenate;Monosodium methanearsenate;Monosodium methanearsonate;Monosodium methanearsonic acid;Monosodium methylarsonate;NCI-C60071;Phyban;Phyban H.C;Phyban H.C.;Silvisar 550;Sodium acid methanearsonate;Sodium hydrogen methylarsonate;Super Arsonate;Target MSMA;Trans-vert;Weed 108;Weed-hoe-108
Class name
Hierarchy level
CAS Number
EC number
Correct mapping CAS and flow to be verified: yet unclear whether this is the sodium-, hydrochloride-, calcium-, potassium- or other salt or the pure substance that is emitted. Note that the CAS No is the relevant identifier, to which also the ILCD LCIA characterisation factors relate. Reference elementary flow of the International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD).
Quantitative reference
Reference Flow Property